Paper Submission

Please prepare the materials for your final submission according to the following instructions.

General notes

Acceptance of your paper is made with the understanding that your manuscript will be appropriately revised according to the comments from the reviewers and editors. Please check their comments carefully. The final submission process also requires that you update the abstract and make any final changes to the author list and title of the paper before uploading.


Please submit the final revised version of your manuscript through Paper Plaza by
Mar 10, 2022
Please note that at least one of the authors of each accepted paper MUST register for the conference BEFORE THE FINAL SUBMISSON.

Presentation movie upload

At the time of uploading the final version of your manuscript, you will also need to electronically submit a presentation movie of your paper (max 80MB and 10min.) which will be included in the conference online program for on-demand streaming. You are requested to submit the Release Form for Presentation Video.

Submission Category

The organizers strongly encourage participants of ARSO to discuss not only technological but also non-technological aspects of robotics. Regarding this feature of ARSO, the following two categories of paper submission have been prepared:


A manuscript of a regular paper can be up to 8 pages, but no less than 4 pages for the initial review submission. If a final manuscript exceeds 6 pages, the extra pages will be charged 10,000 JPY/page. The charge will be assessed at the time of conference registration. All accepted regular papers will be included in the conference proceedings (USB proceedings will not be distributed due to full online conference. The proceedings will be provided in downloadable format.), and published on IEEE Xplore as well. You should submit a PDF that must conform to the manuscript preparation guidelines in PaperPlaza, and shoud use the IEEE templete in LaTeX or MS Word.



A manuscript of a position paper can be up to 4 pages. All accepted position papers will be included in the conference proceedings, but will not be published on IEEE Xplore. You are recommended to submit a PDF that conforms to the manuscript preparation guidelines in PaperPlaza, and to use the IEEE templete in LaTeX or MS Word.



