Student Research Competition

Best Student Research Demo Award
We are excited to announce the call for student research demos at ARSO 2022! Please see the information below for participation.
Undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to participate in the competition.
Hyatt Regency, Long Beach, CA
Room: Beacon Rotunda
Application Process:
Applicants are required to send a 1-page statement of contribution including a description of the research demo, related publications, and grants (if applicable) to the General Chair:
An exhibit booth will be provided to the student exhibitors on May 29th from 8am to 5pm. Exhibitors need to check-in and prepare their demo by 8am. Additional supplies may be provided upon request.
Students participating in the competition are required to register for 1-day or whole conference registration. Registration site will open early April on the conference website:
$500 prize and a certificate
Oussama Khatib (Stanford University, USA)
Philippe Fraisse (Universite de Montpellier, France)
Shingo Shimoda (RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Japan)