IEEE CASE 2018 will be under the motto Knowledge-based Automation. It will gather experts from academia and industry to report on recent developments, trends and research results. CASE 2018 invites submissions of high-quality research and industry papers describing original and unpublished work.

To allow customized products and shortened time to market on the one hand and longetivity and evolvability of networked automated production systems on the other hand, we need to learn from engineering and operation of systems. CASE 2018 will focus on knowledge as a key factor for future automation engineering and science.

We would also like to encourage representatives from industry to submit interesting papers on their latest developments and work.

Download Call-for-Paper (.pdf)


Submission link through Paper Plaza is now active!

Conference Tracks

  • Cyber physical production systems and industry 4.0
    • Self x-systems
    • Agents vs. service oriented systems
    • Intelligent products and manufacturing systems
    • Networked control systems
    • Model-coupling and co-Simulation
    • Standardization of interfaces, capabilities, communication, architecture
  • Cloud computing for automation
  • Big data and data mining
    • Architecture, pre-prosessing, data-curation, algorithm
    • Application examples: challenges, strength and weaknesses
    • Business models
    • Knowledge acquisition
    • Knowledge modeling (semantic technologies)
    • Knowledge-based engineering assistance
  • Automation and control
    • Automotive-, manufacturing-, additive manufacturing industry
    • Automation in meso, micro and nano-scale
  • Domain specific software & systems engineering
  • Mechatronics
  • Discrete event systems
  • Model evolution (systems and software)
  • Human in the loop (in engineering and operation)
  • Building automation

Submission Format

  • We strongly recommend to use the set of templates provided by PaperPlaza (Please click here). Please be aware that PaperPlaza accepts only US-Letter format.
  • Regular papers can be submitted with a length of 6-8 pages. For the final submission, a manuscript should be of 6 pages, with 2 additional pages allowed but at an extra charge (175,00 € per page).
  • Work in progress and Industry papers can be submitted with a maximal length of 4 pages using the US-Letter-PaperPlaza-Template (Word/Latex). Note that this category is especially useful for late breaking results or industry submissions. These papers will be included in the printed conference programm, but not in IEEE Xplore. For uploading on PaperPlaza, please refer to Presentation Only Papers. For Industrial Papers at least one of the authors must be from industry.
  • All papers must adhere to the IEEE style and will be peer-reviewed.
  • PDF file: A manuscript file needs to be converted into its PDF version for submission. Please limit the size of the PDF file to be 2 Mb. See guidelines on manuscript preparation at IEEE.
  • Proposal for a Special Session
  • Proposal for a Workshop



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