AI and IoT for Smart Manufacturing – Practices and Standards

Yan Lu (Keywords: AI-Based Methods; Intelligent and Flexible Manufacturing)

Smart Manufacturing represents a new way of making goods and providing services for high customization at near mass production cost, by using real time data that can improve decision making in the value chains of manufacturing. This is obtained by the intensive use of digital technology, including Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI), to integrate products, production systems and business activities through their life cycles and value chains, and increasing decentralized decision making. The objectives of this workshop is to bring smart manufacturing stakeholders, including manufacturers, vendors, standards developers and researchers together to present the cutting edge smart manufacturing technology, tools and use cases for production and manufacturing systems, especially those utilizing IoT and AI. Specifically:

1)      The role of AI and IoT in smart manufacturing: overview of theory and technology
2)      Current practice and applications of AI and IoT in manufacturing
3)      The existing and missing standards that enables the adoption of AI and IoT for smart manufacturing.
4)      Automation with AI and robots and manufacturing jobs

This full day workshop on AI and IoT for smart manufacturing has a focus on practices. The first part will be led by Prof. Barton with an overview of the topic area. The second part will be led by an industry colleague to discuss current status of AI applications in industry automation and manufacturing systems. The third part will focus on how standards facilitate the application of AI and IoT in manufacturing. Finally, we would like to have a discussion on the social impact of AI/Robot/Automation on manufacturing.

Robotic Assembly – Recent Advancements and Opportunities for Challenging R&D

Joe Falco, Elena Messina, Maximo A. Roa  (Keywords: Assembly; Sensor-based Control; Manipulation Planning)

A new class of robots called collaborative robots or Co-Bots are designed to safely work alongside human workers in manufacturing environments.  These robots are equipped with force sensing and/or compliance through series elastic actuator technologies in order to limit forces and prevent injury to humans working in their proximity. Next generation end-effector technologies such as fully-actuated and under-actuated robotic hands with advanced force control, in-hand manipulation capabilities and built in compliance are mainstream within the research community. These new technologies as well as machine learning/artificial intelligence techniques and simplified programming interfaces show promise as new ways for tackling the small parts assembly problem of trending low-volume, high-mix production operations. This workshop will help identify the challenges associated with implementing robotic assembly by first exploring the application space through presentations by leading experts in the automotive, aerospace, and consumer goods manufacturing sectors.     In addition, keynote presentations and a poster session will highlight work underway that is already addressing the challenges in this application space.      Finally, tools to benchmark research progress in mechanical assembly that are designed with reference to existing design-for-assembly (DFA) methods will be presented.The discussion period will be used to identify key research areas needed to address the low-volume, high-mix, small parts assembly problem.   Although the focus will be on assembly applications, many of the same challenges and solutions are relevant to other domains, such as service robotics.