Registration is now open. Advanced registration is possible until June 30th.

For a detailed Guideline, please click here:


If you are an author, you must register before uploading your final submission on Paper Plaza. Each full registration (IEEE-Member, Non-Member) includes one paper. Additional the registration of one extra paper is allowed. For several categories, you will be asked for your Paper Number. This number is necessary to generate your unique upload fee code to activate the final submission on Paper Plaza. Please be aware that the generation of your upload fee code can take some time.
If you are interested in one of our industrial tours, please consider the individual deadlines and max. number of participants.

Registration for workshops is also open. A Workshop Only participation is also possible.

If you have any questions regarding registration, please contact us via E-Mail:

Important dates

May 15
Paper acceptance notification

June 1
Conference registration opens

June 30
Deadline of advanced registration


Conference Registration Fees

If you are an author, you must register before uploading your final submission on Paper Plaza. The link for registration will be provided on June 1. Each full registration (Member, Non-Member) includes one paper. Additional the registration of one extra paper is allowed.

 Category  Advance (until June 30)  Regular Conference Banquet
 Registration Member  550,00 €  630,00 € Yes (One Included)
 Registration Non-Member  660,00 €  750,00 € Yes (One Included)
 Registration-Student Member  250,00 €  340,00 € Yes (One Included)
 Registration-Student Non-Member  310,00 €   400,00 € Yes (One Included)
 Tutorial Fees 130,00 €   130,00 € No

Other Fees

 Special Registration
 Extra banquet  90,00 €
 Conf Publication Sales
 Extra Paper  265,00 €
 Page Charges  175,00 € per page
 Social Event
 Tours  40,00 €

Registration Link

The registration is handled via Converia:

Final Submission

Based on your submission number a unique key will be generated for final Paper submission on Paper Plaza. The key will be sent to you via e-mail. Please be aware that the generation of your key can take some time. Following the tradition of prior CASE conferences we would like to add one summary slide per paper to the proceedings. During final paper submission you will be asked for this slide. Please use this template: CASE2018-PPT-Template

Registration desk hours

Monday               August 20           7:45am – 5:30pm

Tuesday              August 21           7:45am – 5:30pm

Wednesday        August 22           7:00am – 5:30pm

Thursday            August 23           7:00am – 5:30pm

Friday                 August 24           7:00am – 12:00pm