Workshop 2

IEEE CASE 2019 Workshop on Healthcare 4.0: Smart and Interconnected Healthcare Systems

Goal: Healthcare 4.0, which characterizes smart and interconnected healthcare systems, represents cutting-edge development and future trends in healthcare systems. The goal of this workshop is to bring together engineering researchers, clinicians, and other healthcare practitioners into a forum, to showcase the state-of-the-art research and applications in the general area of healthcare systems automation. The workshop will include a series of presentations of novel scientific approaches and effective engineering solutions, to address the needs and challenges for integration with new automation technologies, and provide visions of future research and development for smart and interconnected healthcare systems.

Time:  August 22, 2019, Thursday

Tentative agenda:  8:15-8:30    Speakers check-in.

                                        8:30-8:50   Jingshan Li, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

                                                                Welcome remark and overview of Healthcare 4.0.

                                     8:50-10:40  Nan Kong, Purdue University; Steven Shechter, University of British Columbia.

                                                                Healthcare data analytics and medical decision support.

9:40-10:05   Shuai Huang, University of Washington.

                                                                Data science for healthcare.

10:05-10:30  Coffee break

10:30-10:55  Hugh Lee, Purdue University.

                                                                Medical sensors.

10:55-11:20   Hongliang Ren, National University of Singapore.

                                                                 Medical/surgery robots.

11:20-12:10    Xiang Zhong, University of Florida; Jie Song, Peking University.

                                                                 Healthcare system modeling, planning, and optimization.

12:10-12:35    Xiaolei Xie, Tsinghua University.

                                                                 Smart and connected healthcare in China.

12:35-1:30     Box lunch (provided)

                                                                Wrap-up discussions.

Organizers: Dr. Jingshan Li, University of Wisconsin-Madison,

                          Dr. Nan Kong, Purdue University,

                          Dr. Xiang Zhong, University of Florida,

                          Dr. Xiaolei Xie, Tsinghua University,