Paper Submission

Six pages paper in standard IEEE format can be submitted and a maximum of two additional pages can be purchased. All papers are submitted in PDF format and the page count is inclusive of figures and references. We strongly encourage authors to submit a video clip to complement the submission. For submission, please visit this page and follow the instructions.

Information for manuscript preparation are available here.

Download here the slide template for the final submission

March 1, 2018 - Paper final submission deadline

Workshops and Tutorials

We invite proposals for half-day or full-day workshops and tutorials. Workshops should be structured to promote informal discussion on an active or controversial research area. Tutorials should be structured to provide an opportunity for in-depth presentations on a focused topic. The primary criteria for selection are anticipated level of interest, potential impact, and strength of the proposing team. We encourage proposals that address highly creative topics and unique disciplinary intersections.

Submission Guidlines

A proposal must be a PDF file submitted via PaperPlaza. The proposal must include:

1. Type and duration (specify workshop or tutorial, half-day or full-day)
2. Title
3. Organizers
4. Abstract (200 word maximum)
5. Description (500 word maximum)
6. List of speakers (note confirmed and unconfirmed)
7. Tentative schedule
8. Plan to solicit participation (250 word maximum)
9. Plan to encourage interaction among participants (250 word maximum)
10. Equipment (anything needed other than a projector and screen)

Upon selection, workshop/tutorial organizers will also be required to prepare a workshop or tutorial description (one page) in time for the RoboSoft 2018 handout.

Submission Link

For workshops and tutorials submission please visit this page and follow the instructions.

Contact - Workshop/Tutorial Chairs

Rebecca Kramer-Bottiglio (Yale University)

Adam Stokes (University of Edinburgh)

December 15, 2017 - Workshop proposal submission deadline


For pre-selection material submission for the competition please visit this page and follow the instructions.
Each submitted application should be composed of one video (max 5 minutes long) and one technical document. Additional information are available in the rulebook.

The rulebook of the competition can be downloaded here
The template of the technical document can be downloaded here

January 15, 2018 January 29, 2018 - Pre-selection material submission deadline

Robosoft 2018 call for papers, workshops, tutorials and competition