Summary of steps for submission of the camera ready papers:

•   Finalize the paper by considering the reviewers’ comments.

•   Add the authors’ names and affiliations.

•   Carefully proofread your submission.

•   No Page Numbers: Pages MUST NOT be numbered. The title and the author list of an accepted paper CANNOT be changed in the final manuscript.

•   Copyright Notice: A copyright notice must be necessarily included at the bottom of the first page of your paper:

1.                Case#1: For papers in which all authors are employed by the US government, the copyright notice is: U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright

2.                Case#2: For papers in which all authors are employed by a Crown government (UK, Canada, and Australia), the copyright notice is:
 978-1-5090-6234-8/17/$31.00 ©2017 Crown

3.                Case #3: For papers in which all authors are employed by the European Union, the copyright notice is:
 978-1-5090-6234-8/17/$31.00 ©2017 European Union

4.                Case #4: For all other papers the copyright notice is:
 978-1-5090-6234-8/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

•   Latex users can add the following lines just after \begin{document} in order for the copyright notice to show up. An example for Case#4 is given below.

\IEEEoverridecommandlockouts\IEEEpubid{\makebox[\columnwidth]{978-1-5090-6234-8/17/\$31.00~\copyright{}2017 IEEE \hfill}
\hspace{\columnsep}\makebox[\columnwidth]{ }}

MSWord users can use: “Insert -> Text box”, and insert the appropriate copyright notice in the textbox, and place the box (without border) at the bottom left on the first page.

•   Validate the PDF Using PDF eXpress:

1.                Login to the PDF eXpress website:

2.                If you are a new user of PDF eXpress, click on the “New Users – Click Here” link.

3.                Enter the following details:

•                                   Conference ID: 40944X

•                                   Your Email Address

•                                   Your Password

•                                   Continue to enter information as prompted

4.                Click on the “Create New Title” option

•                                   Enter title of your paper

•                                   Upload PDF file for validating it

5.                Important Note:

•                                   A majority of the failed validations are due to font embedding issues. If your validation fails, make sure that embeddable fonts are used exclusively, including the captions and text of figures and tables. If you Google “pdf express problem” you will find lots of advice on how to fix validation problems.

•                                   You cannot skip the validation step. IEEE will revalidate every file we submit for inclusion in IEEE Xplore, and will not fix or ingest files that fail validation. If it’s not ingested, it is not archival.

•                                   The validation step does not enter your final paper into EasyChair; so do not stop once you have a validated file.

•   Upload Validated PDF File in easychair:

1.                After validating with PDF eXpress, login to your EasyChair account and submit the validated camera ready paper.

2.                In a few days you will receive an e-mail to submit your IEEE copyright form.

3.                The exact title of the proceedings for the copyright form is “2017 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC)”.

4.                If you cannot access the e-copyright site, download and fill the copyright form:

5.                Scan a copy of the signed copyright form and email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Preparation of articles for evaluation (old)


Prospective authors are invited to prepare their articles using the IEEE article conference templates accessible through the following templates:

  • LaTeX template (ZIP)
  • LaTeX Bibliography Files (ZIP)
  • MS Word (ZIP)

The article length should be up to six pages, including tables and figures, with up to two extra pages. Full draft papers should be submitted electronically, in PDF format, using the access provided in the "Article Submission" menu entry.

For evaluation purposes, authors must remove their names from the submitted papers, and should take reasonable care not to indirectly disclose their identity.
Accepted papers will be scheduled for presentation, which requires that at least one of the authors should register at the Conference and present the paper.
If the authors of an accepted paper, either for oral presentation or poster, do not show up at the conference, the corresponding paper will not be submitted to IEEExplore.



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