Conference Scope

 The 17th IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC 2017) gathers participants from academia and industry working in the field of autonomous robotics and related areas. It is organized within the 17th Portuguese Robotics Open, a RoboCup-sponsored local event.

The conference is an open forum to most robotics topics, as listed below, although contributions addressing novel benchmarking methods, able to properly compare and evaluate the performance of different solutions to a given robotics problem, and works dealing with robotics competitions and challenges are particularly welcome.

Conference Topics

Contributions from researchers, industry and outputs from collaboration between industrial and academic R&D units are welcome in the following topics:

• Agricultural Robotics
• Applications of Autonomous Intelligent Robots
• Artificial Intelligence
• Autonomous Robotic Systems
• Computer Vision and Image Processing
• Control Architectures and Programming
• Cooperative Perception
• Cooperative Planning and Task Allocation
• Dexterous Manipulation and Grasping
• Educational Robotics
• Entertainment Robots
• Evolutionary Robotics
• Field Robotics
• Humanoid Robotics
• Human-Robot Interaction
• Localization, Mapping, and Navigation
• Locomotion and Actuation Systems
• Multi-Robot Coordination
• Multi-Robot Systems
• Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking
• Planning, Reasoning and Modelling
• Recognition and Tracking
• Robot Learning
• Robotic Competitions
• Robotic Simulation
• Sensors and Sensor Integration
• Swarm Robotics
• Underwater Robotics

Important Dates

Submission deadline:              Feb. 10, 2017
Notification of acceptance:    Mar. 15, 2017
Camera-ready papers:           Mar. 31, 2017
Early registration deadline:    Mar. 31, 2017
Conference:                           Apr. 26-28, 2017

All deadlines are on 23:59 US Pacific Time.

Paper Submission

Authors are invited to submit original research contributions electronically, in PDF format, via EasyChair:


The papers should follow the standard IEEE conference format. The corresponding LaTeX and MS Word templates can be found in:


Papers should be six pages in length, with up to two extra pages at the cost of 75€ per extra page.

Reviewing for ICARSC 2017 will be double blind so authors must remove their names from the submitted papers and should take reasonable care not to indirectly disclose their identity.

Accepted papers will be scheduled for presentation, which requires that at least one of the authors must register at the Conference and present the paper. Failure to meet this requirement will imply removing the paper from the online version of the proceedings.



The conference has been an IEEE co-sponsored event for a long time and its proceedings have been indexed in IEEExplore and in Scopus.
Moreover, authors of the best works presented at ICARSC will be invited to submit extended versions of their work to a special issue to be published by Robotics and Autonomous Systems journal.




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