TLL (Touch Listen Learn) AThree-Dimensional and Tactile Multimedia Educational System for the Blind, Partially Sighted and Sighted People: the Agrigento Temple Model

C. Bellotti - Politecnico di Milano

A learning system for instructing the blind, those with vision impairments, and the sighted, through independent exploration and understanding of the shape, structure, features, and history of any object. The system is primarily made up of two scale models: - The first is a master multimedia model for haptic exploration guided by audio information; - The second is a non-multimedia slave model for assembly to check comprehension of the features of the master model.

ARIANNA: pAth Recognition for Indoor Assisted NavigatioN with Augmented perception

D. Croce, D. Garlisi, L. Giarré, I. Tinnirello - Università di Palermo

The system permits to find some points of interests in an indoor environment by following a path painted or sticked on the floor. The path is detected by the camera of the smartphone which also generates a vibration signal providing a feedback to the user for correcting his/her direction. Some special landmarks can be deployed along the path for coding additional information detectable by the camera.