MED'14 Submission Information

Deadline Extended!

The deadline for contributed papers, invited session proposals, workshop / tutorial proposals has been extended to March 5, 2014.

Paper Submission

Papers must be submitted electronically through the Controls Papercept Submission Site.

To submit a paper, please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the link "Submit a Contribution to MED'14" and follow the steps.

NOTE: If you do not have a PIN, you must register one first. Follow the steps on how to submit a paper or invited session proposal to the MED'14 conference.

The paper format must follow IEEE paper submission rules, two-column format using 10 point fonts, Times New Roman. The maximum number of pages per paper is 8 for initial submission and 6 for final version. Illustrations and references are included in the page count. Note that you may use the LaTEX+MS-Word to PDF conversion system - it is enabled.

Submitted papers will undergo a peer review process coordinated by the Program Chairs, the MED Advisory Committee Members, the IPC and qualified reviewers.

Authors will be notified of acceptance at the latest by April 17, 2014. Accepted papers must be uploaded electronically no later than May 17, 2014. Authors are encouraged to accompany their presentations with multimedia material (i.e., videos), which will be included in the Conference Digital Proceedings. Conference Proceedings will be on IEEE Explore

Invited Sessions

A Summary Statement describing the motivation and relevance of the proposed session must be submitted electronically through the Controls Papercept Submission Site. Authors must submit full versions of invited papers electronically. Each such paper must be marked as 'Invited Session Paper'.


Proposals for tutorials should contain the title of the session, the list of speakers, and extended summaries (2000 words) of their presentations. Proposals must be submitted electronically through the Controls Papercept Submission Site.