IEEE-PES | IEEE-SA | Substations Committee | SCI0 | WGI1 | WGI2 | WGI4 | WGI5 | WGI8 | WGI9 | WGI10
WGI4 - Static Var Compensators 09PES_logo_in_color_with_fade_R.jpg
Description: Investigate substation design for,and operation of, Static VAr Compensators, including valve cooling and enclosures, layouts, auxiliaries, protection, and controls.
Std 1031-2011 Guide for the Functional Specification of Transmission Static Var Compensators
Std 1303-2011 Guide for Static Var Compensator Field Tests
Mikael Halonen
Vice Chair:
David Langner
Rich Muller
Pacific Gas & Electric
image002.gif Working Group Meetings (Documentation)

IEEE PES General Meeting (JTCM 2017)
July 16-20, 2017,  Chicago, Illinois, USA

IEEE PES Substations Committee Meeting (JTCM 2017)
May 7-11, 2017,  Richmond, VA, USA

IEEE PES General Meeting (JTCM 2017)
July 16-20, 2017,  Chicago, Illinois, USA

Working Group Activities

DC & FACTS Subcommittee


Std 1031, IEEE Guide for the Functional Specification of Transmission Static Var Compensators
This guide documents an approach to preparing a specification for a transmission static var compensator. The document is intended to serve as a base specification with an informative annex provided to allow users to modify or develop specific clauses to meet a particular application.
Std 1303, IEEE Guide for Static Var Compensator Field Tests
General guidelines and criteria for the field testing of static var compensators (SVCs), before they are placed in-service, for the purpose of verifying their specified perforamance are described. The major elements of a commissioning program are identified so that the user can formulate a specific plan that is most suited for his or her own SVC.

TF1 – Step Response
  • Review of IEEE1031-2011, section 8.2.2 and B.5.2.2
    • Definitions - Overshoot and rise time unclear for cases including TSC and/or MSC switching
    • Add typical parameter values for rise time, overshoot and settling time
    • Add guidance for step response studies, specifically regarding the impact of using an equivalent system model instead of a Thevenin equivalent
    • Discussion of step response for solutions including TSC(s) and MSC(s)
  • Deliverables to include a position paper and addendum to IEEE1031 
TF2 – Harmonics
  • Review of IEEE1031-2011, Annex B 5.3 Harmonic Performance
    • Background/ambient harmonic measurements
    • Harmonic network impedance modelling
    • Impact of background/ambient harmonics and harmonic network impedances on design for SVC design and Hybrid STATCOM
  • Deliverables to include a position paper and/or addendum to 1031
Reliability Survey
WG I4 has maintained a list of industrial and utility SVC installations around the world, and is currently collecting information from SVC owners/users on the availability and reliability of existing SVC installations to quantify the number and causes for SVC outages. The intention of this survey is that it will act as information to owners and those specifying new installations, about the main causes of unavailability of SVCs.

SVC Refurbishment Special Publication
SVC & VSC User List 2015 REV24.xlsx

SVC Tutorial
2010 IEEE T&D Conference & Exposition-New Orleans, LA
2012 IEEE PES General Meeting-San Diego, CA

Module Outline
  1. Reactive Power Compensation in Electrical Transmission Systems
  2. Basic characteristics of SVC
  3. SVC configurations and implications
  4. Main components in existing installations
  5. Thyristor valves
  6. Regulation, Control and Protection system
  7. Commissioning
  8. Standards
  9. Project Overview
  10. References
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