IEEE-PES | IEEE-SA | Substations Committee | SCI0 | WGI1 | WGI2 | WGI4 | WGI5 | WGI8 | WGI9
WGI2 – Thyristor Controlled Series Cap 09PES_logo_in_color_with_fade_R.jpg
Description: Review Thyristor Controlled SeriesCapacitor (TCSC) applications and coordinate with other committees and organizations involved in the subject matter to identify the need for and sponsor the preparation of a functional guide for specifying TCSC stations. Included in the scope are issues which consider ratings for TCSC thyristor valve assemblies, capacitors, and reactors, as well as TCSC control characteristics, protective features, cooling systems, testing, commissioning, safety, operation and maintenance.
Standards: Std 1534-2009 IEEE Recommended Practice for Specifying Thyristor-Controlled Series Capacitors

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