IEEE-PES | IEEE-SA | Substations Committee | SCI0 | WGI1 | WGI2 | WGI4 | WGI5 | WGI8 | WGI9
WGI1 – Power Electronic Equipment 09PES_logo_in_color_with_fade_R.jpg
Description: To study the application of powerelectronic equipment in substations to improve power quality. Identify the need for, and sponsor the preparation and review of guides, recommended practices, and standards for power electronic equipment used in substations to improve power quality. Coordinate the work with other committees and organizations involved in the subject matter.
Std1585-2007 IEEE Guide for the FunctionalSpecification of Medium Voltage (1- 35kV) Electronic Series Devices for Compensation of Voltage Fluctuations
Std1623-2005 IEEE Guide for the Functional Specification of Medium Voltage (1 kV - 35 kV) Electronic Shunt Devices for Dynamic Voltage Compensation
George Karaday
Arizona State University
Vice Chair:


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