IEEE-PES | IEEE-SA | Substations Committee | SCI0 | WGI1 | WGI2 | WGI4 | WGI5 | WGI8 | WGI9
WGI8 - Power Electronic Building Block 09PES_logo_in_color_with_fade_R.jpg
Description: Power Electronics Building Block is a broad concept that incorporates individually or collectively progressive integration of power devices, gate drives, snubbers and other components to functional blocks resulting in reduced cost, losses, weight, size and engineering effort for the application of power electronics. Looking at other means of integration, such as layout of Building Blocks, bus work connecting the Building Blocks and standardization in order to derive the maximum benefits from integration concepts.
Standard: P1676 Guide for Control Architecture for HighPower Electronics (1 MW and Greater) used in Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Systems
Herbert Ginn
South Carolina University
Vice Chair:
Aniruddha M. Gole
University of Manitoba
Erwin Dirks
University of Manitoba
Working Group Meetings (Archive)

IEEE PES General Meeting (GM 2016)
July 19, 2016, Boston, MA, USA

IEEE PES General Meeting (GM 2015)
July 26-30, 2015, Denver, CO, USA

Working Group Activities
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