
Sponsorship of IVEC 2020 offers several opportunities to increase exposure at IVEC, including advertising in the conference program and website, sponsoring of events, signage at registration, and visibility during the conference opening ceremony. Please see links below for information on various sponsorship levels and how to become an IVEC 2020 sponsor.

Potential IVEC 2020 Corporate Sponsors:

There are three different levels of corporate sponsorship available for the 2020 IVEC Conference. Outlined below are each of the levels, and what is included in a Gold, Silver, and Bronze Sponsorship.

Click here to reserve a sponsorship or for more information contact Joe Nemchek at
Office: 203-502-8338
email: jnemchek@pcm411.com

List of 2020 Sponsors

The IVEC 2020 Sponsorship and Promotions Brochure can be viewed here.

Gold Sponsorship includes ($5,000):

– Company logo and hyperlink displayed on the 2020 IVEC website
– Logo printed on the first page of the 2020 IVEC program under Acknowledgements
– Logo featured on signage in the registration area
– Verbal recognition of Gold sponsorship in Opening Welcome by the Conference Chairs
– Sponsorship of the Reception/Banquet including:

– Company logo featured on signage in the reception and banquet areas
– Handout outlining your company’s offerings to be distributed at registration
– Verbal recognition of sponsorship at the banquet
– Company logo printed next to the reception/banquet in the program

Silver Sponsorship includes ($3,000):

– Company logo and hyperlink displayed on the 2020 IVEC website
– Logo printed on the first page of the 2020 IVEC program under Acknowledgements
– Logo featured on signage in the registration area
– Verbal recognition of Silver sponsorship in Opening Welcome by the Conference Chairs
– Choice of one coffee break to sponsor including:

– Company logo featured on signage in the break area
– Handout outlining your company’s offerings distributed at registration
– Company logo printed next to the break in the program

Bronze Sponsorship includes ($1,500):

– Company logo displayed on the 2020 IVEC website
– Logo printed on the first page of the 2020 IVEC program under Acknowledgements
– Logo featured on signage in the registration area
– Verbal recognition of sponsorship in Opening Welcome by the Conference Chairs