Submission of abstracts

The authors are invited to submit electronically the extended abstract until October 31st, 2008, by means of the submission system of the PowerTech'2009 Conference. The abstracts should be about 2-3 A4 pages, with main figures and references, in pdf format (doc is also accepted).
Full paper template
High quality papers will be proposed for publication in IEEE PES Transactions. It is expected that at least ONE author of each paper will register and
pay the appropriate fee before an accepted paper will be released for
publication in the 2009 PowerTech Proceedings or scheduled for
presentation during the 2009 PowerTech technical sessions.
The authors will be notified about the acceptance or rejection
of the abstracts before December 1st, 2008.
Authors of accepted abstracts are invited to submit the full papers until March 2nd, 2009. Full papers should not exceed 6/8 pages. When appropriate, the IAC members will propose papers for the poster session unless otherwise chosen by the author(s). If you would like to submit your paper for poster session, please make a comment to the Conference Chair in the submission system.
Submission of full papers
The authors of accepted extended abstracts are invited to submit the full papers until March 10th, 2009, by means of the submission system of the PowerTech 2009 Conference. Full papers must be prepared according to the IEEE-PES template and must not exceed 6/8 pages (even number of pages). Click HERE for the full paper template, then click on Sample, Template for PES Technical Paper PG4 to choose for the preferred editing program. For LATEX model, please click HERE, then scroll down the web page until you see “Template for all Transactions (except IEEE Transactions on Magnetics)". The fifth bullet point "WIN OR MAC LaTeX2e Transactions Style File" is a link to a zip file that contains the IEEE-PES compatible LATEX model.
Compatibility with IEEEXplore
Please prepare and check the pdf file (paper), duly verified for IEEEXplore compatibility.
A web based IEEE PDF eXpress service is available for all PowerTech 2009 authors. This service will enable authors to either convert their source files to IEEEXplore compatible pdf or check their own pdf files for compatibility.
In order to use the IEEE PDF eXpress service set up for PowerTech 2009, you need to create your own account at . Click on the link “New Users - Click here” and fill in your information. The Conference ID was sent to authors by email.
Intellectual property rights
Publication of your paper(s) in the Proceedings of 2009 IEEE Bucharest PowerTech Conference and also IEEEXplore is conditioned by compliance with the IEEE Intellectual Property Rights requirements. Click HERE for the IEEE copyright form.
Note: Please use the full name of the conference in the copyright form : 2009 IEEE Bucharest PowerTech
Please send us by email at both the signed copyright form and the answer received from the IEEE PDF eXpress system.
All accepted papers will be included in IEEEXplore and indexed by ISI, SCOPUS and INSPEC.
Important for registration
A paper may be registered as student only if all authors are students.