Affiliated Volunteers

IEEE WA Section overseas 7 Technical Chapters and 3 joint Technical Chapters (representing a total of 14 IEEE technical societies), 2 Affinity Groups and 4 Student Branches in Western Australia. These units are listed below. When the units have a webpage, the links to their websites have been also provided. If you are interested in any of these organisational units, please directly contact the Chairs of the organisations.


Click to see past Technical Chapters, Affinity Groups, Student Branches volunteers.

Technical Chapters

The Chairs of the Technical Chapters can refer to Critical information for Chapter chairs for more information.

Affinity Groups

Women in Engineering

Chair: Fatemeh Rezaeibagha (E-mail: Fatemeh.rezaeibagha{at}

Young Professionals

Chair: Obioma Ofoegbu (E-mail: "IEEE WA Young Professionals" <ieeewayoungprofessionals{at}>)

Student Branches

Curtin University

Chair: Akash Parekh

Edith Cowan University (ECU)

Murdoch University

Chair: Rehan Asif Awan

University of Western Australia (UWA)

Chair: Kai Stewart-Wynne

National Chapter