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• Design of CMOS Analog Circuits via Geometric Programming
Dr. Pradip Mandal
Assistant Professor
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Co-Presenters: Samiran Dam and Supriyo Maji
Venue and Time: SIT Conference Room, 14 January 2011, 14:00 - 17:00
Abstract: Analog performance metrics of an analog circuit are very sensitive to its design variables and process variation is quite high compared to that of digital circuit. For this reason analog design is the bottleneck of the design process of an SOC (System-on-Chip). Hence analog design time directly influence the time-to-market of an SOC. This necessitates an automation framework for analog circuit sizing. Circuit sizing stands for determining device dimensions and biases so that all performance specifications can be met. There have been several approaches towards analog design automation which broadly encompasses knowledge-based and optimization-based methods. In the former, expert knowledge of designers are captured and translated into a set of rules which is then used to automatically size a circuit. Disadvantages of this method is that it involves significant human intervention in order to obtain a good design and require extensive circuit knowledge and design heuristics to be codified. On the other hand, in optimization based approach, an objective function is optimized subjected to meet various performance constraints. Out of many optimization based approaches, some use statistical optimization techniques (e.g. simulatedannealing or genetic algorithm) while other employs deterministic optimization. The statistical optimization based techniques require huge amount of computation time and may not ensure the best design. Whereas deterministic approach specifically Geometric Programming (GP) based optimization technique seems to be a promising approach for analog design automation. Advantages of GP over statistical approach is it does not require any initial guess, it takes very less time to converge and ensures the global optimal point. However GP requires the performance constraints to be formulated in a special algebraic form known as posynomial (polynomial with positive coefficients). For CMOS Op-Amps, most of the performances have been shown to be in posynomial forms. There are significant amount of works being carried out by the research communities to empirically model various circuit performances in posynomial forms to make those GP-compatible. It also makes the whole sizing flow automatic without much of the designer’s knowledge being involved. To extend the design automation for an analog system it may be decomposed into different levels (known as macromodel) of a hierarchy and perform design automation at each level of the hierarchy.
Biography: Dr. Pradip Mandal received his BE degree in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from Bengal
Engineering College (currently known as Bengal Engineering And Science University), Shibpur, West Bengal, India
in 1989. He received his ME and Ph. D degree in Electrical Communication Engineering from the IISC, Bangalore,
India in 1991 and 1999 respectively. He has extensively worked on geometric programming based sizing
methodologies for CMOS opamp as part of his Ph. D work. Dr. Mandal started his career in 1997 with Motorola
India Electronics, Bangalore, India, where he has worked on development of design automation tools for VLSI
circuit and SAW filter. In 1998 he joined Philips Semiconductors, Bangalore, where he was a Senior Technical
Specialist in the area of I/O circuit design. Dr. Mandal joined ECE Department, IIT, Kharagpur in 2004. His
research interests are analog circuit design and design automation for analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits.
Samiran Dam received his B.E. degree in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from Bengal Engineering
And Science University, Shibpur, India in 2007. He has worked with MindTree Limited from 2007 to 2009. He is
currently pursuing M.S. (by Research) in the department of Electronics & Electrical Communication Engineering at
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. His research interests include analog circuit & system design automation.
Supriyo Maji received his B.E. degree in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from Bengal Engineering
And Science University, Shibpur, India in 2007. He is currently pursuing M.S. (by Research) in the department of
Electronics & Electrical Communication Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. His research
interests include analog circuit & system design automation. He was awarded Certificate of Excellence for being the
finalist in the all India analog design contest, 2009 organized by Cosmic Circuits, India.
• High Quality Sustainable Lighting Using Electron Devices and Sensors
Dr. Ashok Rao
Former Head, Network Project
CEDT, IISc, Bangalore-560 012
Venue and Time: SIT Conference Room, 15 January 2011, 9:00 - 13:00
Abstract: The themes that go under Energy, Climate, Sustainable Development, Empowerment, Livelhood, Basic Issues (roti-kapada-makaan-skill) and Quality of These are central to current and future aspects of life everywhere. While some of these take down to earth representation (in III world and rural India) like no safe sanitation, it can be esoteric like no proper filght connections (in I world or urban India) between two towns.
Thus what is universally accepted (in both I & III world) is that in most issues of day to day life, the Quality of Life (QoL) has come down and detiorating very fast. This applies to the Quality of Air, Water, Food we consume, Healthcare, etc.
These have dimensions of Equity, Quality, Affordability, Sustainability, Relevance and Consequences. Thus we see efforts in I World (mainly USA and China) trying to provide higer QoL or atleast maintain existing QoL, even at the cost of climatic issues, which is a Collatoral Damage. Infact Bangaladesh will pay heavier price in poorer QoL, if China and India up their QoL, which is little of their doing.Thus the Development and its Consequence, has been Skewed for so long, Unsustainability is a prefered design choice in order to succeed.
This skew for more than 60 years, is infact mirrored with in the country. Urban –Rural divide, North-South divide, banagalore-rest of karnataka divide, etc. Thus it is now a herculian task for rural-remote-tribal-slum, basically the mariginalized- neglected lot to improve their status which is desirable and a right of livelihood issue. While urban India (Delhi-Mumbai-Bangalore-Hyderbad) is busy copying Washington DC solutions, only to make matters worse for all, the rural remote not only have innovated, but show sustainable solutions to their needs and also that can truly help urban India.
The present case study deals with design and is related to one of the QoL factors like Electricity. It is related to remote rural India, and addresses a design and implementation using State-of –art Electron Devices (microcontrollers, Analog ASIC’s, etc) and Sensors (IR-proximity). This has given an amazing level of performance to Improved Lighting, at Lower cost, Thus Improving QoL. This is a model that can easily be replicated, scaled up and solves appropraitely Urban India’s needs too. Such sensitive designs are already used in European cities.
Two important aspects is: How to understand true Socio-technical requirements of rural India and How to use Hi-tech to design meaningful solutions. The tutorial will detail this using this lighting example, done by the presenter.
Biography: Dr.Rao holds a BE, ME & Ph.D all in EE from Mysore University (1982), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (1985) and Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (1991) respectively.
He specializes in Digital Signal Processing area and is known to be one of the leading figures in this area in India. In addition he teaches Image Processing, Multimedia, Linear Algebra, Renewable Energy, BioMetrics and ICT. He has over 25 years of Teaching & Research Experience which Includes 6 years in IIT Bombay and 7 years in IISc Bangalore, the rest in various places in India. He has successfully guided Ph.D’s both in E & C and Computer Science areas and has over 80 publications. He is also a Solar Photo Voltaic (SPV) specialist having been trained by Siemens Solar California during 1996-1997.
Earlier he was Head, Network Project at CEDT, IISc Bangalore from 1999-2005. It was a project funded by Swiss Government and covered E & C Engineering education in whole of South India, this is among the very few successful higher education projects in India.
From 1999, he has been a Training consultant on Design of DSP & Multimedia systems to Philips, NXP, Tecktronics, Honeywell, Toshiba, SONY, Infinion, Texas Instruments, Analog Devices, etc. He has been awarded Texas Instruments (TI) International DSP Design & Education Award for promoting Excellence in Under Graduate DSP education in India during 1996-98. He is also a Entrepreneur having successfully started several ICT & Renewable Energy companies during 1998 to 2009. He is one of the very few to be invited to make a presentation in PAN-IIT-2006 global meet.
• Getting Started with Embedded Development using HawkBoard
Khasim Syed Mohammed
Lead Software Architect
Texas Instruments India Pvt. Ltd.
Venue and Time: SIT Conference Room, 15 January 2011, 14:00 - 17:00
Biography: Khasim Syed Mohammed started his career back in 2001 with Linux devices for Single board computers and TI DSP applications and solutions. In 2004 he joined Texas Instruments as a Linux Consultant through Wipro technologies. After spending last three years (2004-07) in TI head quarters (Dallas, Texas USA) as a Linux Consultant and Open Source Facilitator for Wireless software development and strategies, he moved back to India and joined as a Technical Lead for Open Platforms in DSPS / Catalog applications division of TI.
In last couple of years, Khasim has pioneered and lead various initiatives in TI to meet the increase in demand for Mobile Linux on TI chipsets and processors.
Khasim Syed Mohammed earned a bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Engg in 2001 from BMS college of Engineering Bangalore India.
• Multimodal User Interface to Internet
Dr. Debasis Samanta
Assistant Professor
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Venue and Time: SIT Conference Room, 16 January 2011, 10:00 - 13:00
Abstract: The major content of Internet, a global system of interconnected computer networks
to serve billions of users worldwide, is written in English which limits approx 64% of total
population of the world from availing the advantages due to language unfamiliarity. Common
people are not able to access internet because of their English language illiteracy. We have
developed an interface to Internet in users own mother language in order to conquer the language
barrier. The interface currently providing support for two languages namely Hindi, the official
and mostly spoken language in India and Bengali, second most popular language in India.
Interface also supports different modalities (text, speech and icon-based modes) to address users
writing, speaking disabilities.
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