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2016 ASEE Rocky Mountain Section Conference

time. He then experimented and developed videos in support of a first course in circuit analysis
and a first course in differential equations (which is a prerequisite for a second course in circuit
analysis involving ac circuits with capacitors and inductors).

Interestingly, Professor Santiago discovered that the recorded videos covering key concepts
required approximately ten hours of recorded videos for each course. Based on this information
and for analytically-based courses, about one hour of video recordings are needed each week to
cover key concepts for an 11-week course. This makes sense and is consistent with CTU’s
engineering ground teaching philosophy. In other words, most of the face-to-face time in a
traditional ground classroom setting as described earlier is spent doing more practice in problem
solving or hands-on lab activities. This led to the idea for online chat sessions dedicated to
addressing student questions based on viewing the videos, reading text material, doing lab
experiments, and solving more problems. Moderating the online discussion boards will also
supplement the chat session approach to promote more student engagement. In terms of video
content, it took only about 8.5 hours of recorded video lectures for the introductory piloted
course described earlier which has numerous engineering lab activities than circuit analysis. So
about 46 minutes of video content per week is needed for the ‘Introduction to Engineering’
course that is primarily laboratory based. Based on the experience of Professor Guo experience
to teaching the laboratory content, she believes that more videos may be needed to help the
students8. A problematic and envision issue for the instructor during the course is helping
students troubleshoot their circuits8. Hangouts, Skype or video chat sessions with either the
instructors or with other students are possible solutions. Another means is the development of a
troubleshooting checklist that students need to follow before requesting help from the instructor.

Professor Santiago introduced and taught the basic use of Camtasia to the CTU Engineering
Department and made full-time faculty aware of advanced features to keep the learner attentive
as they investigate its Camtasia’s features while developing the content.

Table 3 provides a high-level
summary of selected and
experimental YouTube
Channels. Experimental
Channels 1 and 2 are personal
channels of Professor
Santiago and Channel 3 was
created for the CTU
engineering department
(STEM Videos for the
Flipped Classroom). In
general, more videos with
engaging content, results in
more subscribers. Also, it takes time to build a subscriber list. Channel 3 was created during
March 2015, but initial postings of video content for the piloted program began in July 2015.
CTU completed the final uploading of videos in March 2016 for the introductory course.
Additional related videos were posted afterwards. The number of subscribers, likes, and dislikes
can be used as a preliminary measure of engagement although more studies of other metrics (e.g.
ratio of likes/dislikes, average viewer time, ratio of average viewer time/total time, etc.) need

© American Society for Engineering Education, 2016
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