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2016 ASEE Rocky Mountain Section Conference

Using embedded videos and Office mix with PowerPoint, offers instructors not only to present
their material in engaging ways but to deliver online content through email for those who need
personalized instruction. Microsoft provided online help for the educator to get started through
their gallery on the Mix site containing a series of tutorial Mixes, which can be viewed online, or
downloaded and played on a wide range of devices.

After installing the Mix plug-in, the
educator will find a new Mix tab in the
PowerPoint ribbon. Figure 4 is a
screenshot after embedding an
application on the slide using the Mix
add-in. The figure shows one of the
interactive PhET simulation models
embedded onto the slide. The authors
envision that more apps will be
developed that’s compatible with the
Office Mix add-in. In the future, it may
be possible that a cloud-based
Matlab/Simulink, Labview or Pspice
may be in the works that can communicate with this relatively new add-in.


CTU’s engineering department successfully created engaging multimedia content to deliver an
online course, ‘Introduction to Engineering’ in support on an Online Flipped Classroom. Also,
preliminary results show the online flipped classroom as defined by CTU has promise once the
multimedia content has been integrated into CEC’s LMS and adaptive learning (AL) system
software. Base on the student feedback during the past year, there was a good mix between
online video and text content. The full-time faculty gained valuable experience and insights
producing multimedia content. The engineering department anticipates the development of
future courses will result in shorter timelines as more online courses are implemented in the
future. A number of teaching innovations have been presented leveraging technologies coming
from the internet marketing niche to create and deliver interactive and multimedia content. The
interactive features of Camtasia, the Microsoft’s Office Mix plug-in and the advancement of
video players embedded on websites offers opportunities for instructors to rethink their delivery
online in creative ways. Although the CTU full-time faculty learned how to develop technical
content for online learners, there is still much to learn. The paper and its results attempts to help
motivate STEM instructors explore with even more creative ways in delivering their content
online. Learning engineering is already a challenge for most self-motivated students. So why
not serve and reward them with engaging and interactive content that enriches their learning


1. Daines, Jennifer & John Santiago, Improving Performance in Trigonometry and Pre-Calculus
by Incorporating Adaptive Learning Technology into Blended Models on Campus, 123rd
Annual ASEE Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2016

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