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2016 ASEE Rocky Mountain Section Conference

instruction for the ground student can be translated to mixing content types and video types to
engage students in becoming more attentive.

Today, there are internet marketing and affordable software allowing the educator to create
professional-looking whiteboard sketch videos within minutes. Today’s software allows the
educator to use green-screen techniques mixing video backgrounds in high-definition, kinetic
text, cartoon animations and whiteboard sketches. The educator can combine these elements
and styles creating a variety of videos. The time-of-investment in doing so is still unclear when
compared with the easy screen capture of whiteboard videos. However, providing an original
mix of video types will create variety so that the student does not experience the same mode of
instruction repeatedly. Variety of appealing video types offers an element of surprise and viewer
anticipation. Examples of types of videos with variety (some) that are interactive ones can be
found on the following links on YouTube: (1) Video 1 show results, that combines green-screen
techniques and video creation tools from the internet marketing niche using Camtasia. At the
end of video is an interactive quiz about fourty two viewers took the quiz. (2) Video 2
(Interactive Video Learning) shows sample Video outro found after a video lesson with
embedded hot links on images of the video to give students options to view other videos (3)
Teaching Innovations is a link of other experimental innovations at IEEE CTU Student Branch
Website, including: digital flip book, 2D/3D character animations and others.

Embedded Videos and Assessment Quizzes in PowerPoint plus Office Mix

Professor Santiago used a series of embedded YouTube videos in PowerPoint along with quizzes
to create a seamless delivery of multimedia content without jumping between the YouTube
website and PowerPoint application. Figure 3 provides a flowchart as an example of this
approach when an online student downloads the PowerPoint slides.

Also, Figure 3 shows a ‘Table of Contents” found on slide 2 so students can have an option to
select a subset of the 45-slide learning module if portions of the presentation is already familiar
or seen earlier by the student. With the latest add-in by Microsoft, called Mix, the instructor can
also embed the quizzes or review questions in the PowerPoint learning module

Recently, Microsoft has
developed Office Mix for the
education market since most
lessons and lectures are
delivered by educators using
PowerPoint. Office Mix can
be viewed as a container to
embed external apps within a
slide. With Mix, Microsoft
wants to fill the gap in building
the educational content and how
the content is being presented
and delivered. In this way,
the instructor does not need
to jump back-and-forth between PowerPoint and the various apps used in the presentation. Mix
takes the PowerPoint slides to create a cloud-based and interactive lessons having built-in tests.

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