September 14–18, 2014 Chicago, Illinois

IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems Facebooktwitter

  • Lake Michigan
  • Buckingham Fountain
  • Millennium Park
  • Art Institute of Chicago (Banquet)
  • The Field Museum, Museum Campus
  • Grant Park
  • Navy Pier
  • Palmer House Lobby
  • Skyline Reflected by Cloud Gate (the Bean)
  • Chicago Skyline at Twilight

Survey Results

Below is a summary of the results of the post-IROS 2014 survey created by the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Conference Activities Board and sent to all IROS 2014 attendees.  There were 752 responses to the survey.  You can download a more complete report on the results here.

Congratulations to Shouhei Shirafuji at Osaka University, who won the respondent drawing and received an Amazon gift card.

  1. Contact information
  2. Which category best describes you?
    • 49.73%   Student or postdoc
    • 36.17%   Faculty or staff at a college or university
    • 11.04%   Industry
    • 1.46%   Government
    • 1.60%   Other
  3. How many total ICRA and IROS conferences have you attended?
    • 35.24%   This is my first one
    • 30.19%   2-4
    • 34.57%   5 or more
  4. Which conferences have you attended?
    • 30.19%   ICRA 2013 (which had a mix of oral and interactive presentations)
    • 38.03%   IROS 2013 or ICRA 2014 (which had only oral presentations)
    • 95.21%   IROS 2014 (which had only brief oral presentations followed by interactive presentations)
  5. What format of presentation do you prefer for your own paper?
    • 10.90%   Interactive presentation only
    • 62.37%   Brief oral presentation (max five minutes) followed by interactive presentation
    • 26.73%   Longer oral presentation only
  6. What format of presentation do you prefer for papers that you are not presenting?
    • 16.36%   Interactive presentation only
    • 60.37%   Brief oral presentation (max five minutes) followed by interactive presentation
    • 23.27%   Oral presentation only
  7. Should all accepted papers be presented the same way, or should some be oral, some interactive?
    • 67.29%   All the same way (e.g., ICRA 2014 with oral presentations and IROS 2014 with brief oral presentations followed by interactive presentations)
    • 32.71%   A mix of oral and interactive presentations (e.g., ICRA 2013)
  8. In addition to the traditional invited plenary talks, IROS 2014 featured many invited session keynotes.  Which better describes your opinion?
    • 90.69%   These talks by well-known researchers were a positive feature of the program
    • 9.31%   Speaking time should be reserved for accepted papers
  9. Please share any other suggestions you have on conference formats.
    • 369 text responses