ICORR award nomination guidelines:

If the first author on the paper is a full-time student, the student or the supervisor may nominate the paper for an award. Students must be registered as students at the time of nomination.
Following the first round of reviews, a secondary review for each category will take place by an award nominating committee. A total of six student award finalists will be selected to give a final presentation at the time of the conference. Each finalist will receive an award of $1,500 USD. A winner will be chosen based on the presentation and will receive an additional $1,000 USD.
Award recipients must attend the conference where they will receive their stipend check. Special recognition will be given to these individuals at the conference.
To nominate the student, click here to download the application form and upload the completed form at papercept.

Nomination deadline:  March 15th, 2019. 

The following students have been selected as the student award finalists:

Zackory Erickson
Qiang Zhang
Mahdieh Nejati Javaremi
Christoph M. Kanzler
Amanda Shorter
Karoline Heiwolt