The following presentation instructions are applied to all accepted full papers, short papers, poster papers, special session papers, and workshop papers. All authors please follow the corresponding instructions to prepare the presentation for your papers.

Full papers
  • Each full paper will be presented in an oral presentation.
  • Each presentation will be allotted totally 20 minutes, including 3~5 minutes for Q&A.
  • One best paper award winner will be announced in the award ceremony session during the banquet on February 1 (Thu).
Short papers
  • Each short paper will be presented in an oral presentation.
  • Each presentation will be allotted totally 15~18 minutes, including 2~3 minutes for Q&A.
Poster papers
  • Each poster papers will be presented in a poster.
  • One poster session will be allotted totally 60 minutes, including the time for setup. We suggest the authors prepare their posters the morning of their presentation, so they will be visible all day long.
Workshop papers
  • Each workshop paper will be presented in an oral presentation.
  • Each presentation will be allotted totally 18~20 minutes including 5 minutes for Q&A.


Information for oral presentations

  • All oral session rooms are equipped with data projectors with a standard VGA connector. We encourage speakers to bring and use their own laptops or other presentation devices. Please check the compatibility of your laptop and the project before the session starts. If you plan to use non-VGA connecting devices, please do bring a VGA adapter to connect to the projector.
  • We will try our best to provide PowerPoint laser pointers or slide changers, but if you have your own please bring it along.
  • In the break before your presentation, please go to the scheduled room to meet the session chair to confirm the title and presenter information of your paper.
  • Time will be strictly enforced by session chairs and all the presenters are expected to make sure that their presentations fit strictly within the time limit and that the switching to another presentation is done during the Q&A.
  • If special equipment is required, please contact the local arrangement chair (Prof. Taehyung Wang) in advance.
  • Please make sure that presentations would also work if the free wireless connection is limited or not available.


Information for poster presentations

  • The poster boards are vertical, so please prepare your poster in size A0 with portrait mode. Smaller is of course possible as well. The conference will supply pushpins to hang your poster on the board.
  • All posters will be in one independent poster session on January 31. Please confirm the date and time when your poster will be presented.
  • For poster presentations, at least one author must be at your poster board during your poster session. During this time, expert attendees may ask questions about your work, in the other time slot you can freely wander around to see the other posters.
  • Since the poster presentations will take place in an open space area, we suggest the authors prepare their posters the morning of their presentation, so they will be visible all day long.
  • You are encouraged to prepare handouts of your poster for attendees.