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Technical Program

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The 2012 Haptics Symposium features a four-day program beginning on Sunday, March 4, with a lineup of workshops and tutorials, and a full symposium schedule on March 5-7. A detailed conference program is presented below.


Full Haptics Symposium Program (PDF)

Haptics Symposium Conference Center Map

March 4, 2012 (Sunday)

Time Schedule Place
8:30-10:00 Tutorials Session Starts Pavilion Ballroom
10:00-10:15 Coffee Break Pavilion Foyer
10:15-11:45 Tutorials Session Continues Pavilion Ballroom
11:45-12:45 Lunch Pavilion Foyer
12:45-14:45 Workshop Session Starts Pavilion Foyer
14:45-15:00 Coffee Break Pavilion Foyer
15:00-17:00 Workshop Session Continues Pavilion Ballroom
18:00-21:00 Welcome Reception
Demo/Poster Setup

Pavilion Foyer


March 5, 2012 (Monday)

Time Schedule Place
8:00-8:45 Breakfast Pavilion Foyer
8:45-9:00 Conference Opening Pavilion Ballroom C&D
9:00-10:00 Paper Session 1. Moving Sideways - Lateral Displays Pavilion Ballroom C&D
10:00-10:30 Poster/Demo Teaser 1 Pavilion Ballroom C&D

Poster/Demo Session 1

Coffee Break

Exhibit Space*

Opening Keynote - Hsiao-Wuen Hon - Managing Director, Microsoft Research Asia, China

Pavilion Ballroom C&D
12:30-14:00 Lunch  
14:00-15:30 Paper Session 2. Creating Touch - Innovative Haptic Interfaces Pavilion Ballroom C&D
15:30-16:00 Poster/Demo Teaser 2 Pavilion Ballroom C&D

Poster/Demo Session 2
Coffee Break

Exhibit Space*


March 6, 2012 (Tuesday)

Time Schedule Place
8:00-8:45 Breakfast Pavilion Foyer
8:45-9:15 Poster/Demo Teaser 3 Pavilion Ballroom C&D

Poster/Demo Session 3
Coffee Break

Exhibit Space*
11:00-12:30 Invited Session on Haptic Human-Computer Interaction
- Desney Tan (MSR Redmond), Patrick Baudisch (Hasso Plattner Institute) and Ivan Poupyrev (Disney Research)
Pavilion Ballroom C&D
12:30-14:00 Lunch  
14:00-15:20 Paper Session 3. Technology Fundamentals - Sensors, Actuators and Control Pavilion Ballroom C&D

Poster/Demo Session 4
Coffee Break

Exhibit Space*
16:20-17:30 Paper Session 4. Delivering Touch - Force and Tactile Rendering Pavilion Ballroom C&D
17:30-17:35 Announcement of Hands-on Demonstrations Selected for the Media Session Pavilion Ballroom C&D


Buses depart at 18:30 at Sheraton Wall Centre; return buses load every 15 min starting at 22:00 at Vancouver Aquarium

Vancouver Aquarium
(transportation provided)


March 7, 2012 (Wednesday)

Time Schedule Place
8:45-10:30 Poster/Demo Session 5
Media Session


Exhibit Space*
Junior Foyer
10:30-11:45 Paper Session 5. Science Fundamentals - Perception, Cognition and Performance Pavilion Ballroom C&D
11:45-13:15 Lunch  
13:15-14:15 A Haptics Symposium Retrospective: 20 Years - 1992 Inaugural Haptics Symposium Co-chairs Bernald Adelstein and J. Edward Colgate Pavilion Ballroom C&D
14:15-15:20 Paper Session  6. Fun and Useful - Novel Applications Pavilion Ballroom C&D
15:20-16:00 Award Ceremony and Closing Pavilion Ballroom C&D


Post-conference Open House Demo Session at University of British Columbia.
Buses depart at 16:30 at Sheraton Wall Centre; return buses load at 20:00 at UBC

University of British Columbia (transportation provided)

Special Usage Rooms

Committee Meetings: Parksville Room
Speaker Preperation: Chartroom


*Exhibit Space

Demos: Junior Ballroom and Pavilion Ballroom A&B
Sponsor Exhibits: Pavilion Ballroom A&B
Posters: Junior Foyer
Coffee Break: Junior Foyer