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Haptics Symposium is made possible by the efforts of its Organizing, Program, and Technical committees. Read more about the Haptics Symposium conference and its history at

Organizing Committee

General Chairs

Publications Chair

  • Seungmoon Choi - Pohang University of Science and Technology, South Korea

Sponsorship Chair

Demos, Posters & Exhibits Chairs

Local Arrangements Chairs

Awards Chair

Publicity Chair


Workshops and Tutorials Chair

Registration Chair

Student Volunteers Chairs

Website Advisor

Program Committee

Seungmoon Choi - Pohang University of Science and Technology, South Korea Karon MacLean - University of British Columbia, Canada
Mark Colton - Brigham Young University, USA John Morrell - Yale University, USA
Daniela Constantinescu - University of Victoria, Canada Marcia K. O'Malley - Rice University, USA
Marc Ernst - Bielefeld University, Germany Volkan Patoğlu - Sabanci University, Turkey
Antonio Frisoli - Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy Dinesh Pai - University of British Columbia, Canada
Greg Gerling - University of Virginia, USA Dianne Pawluk - Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Ali Israr - Disney Research, USA Angelika Peer - Technische Universitat Munchen, Germany
Lynette Jones - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA William Provancher - University of Utah, USA
Roberta Klatzky - Carnegie Mellon University, USA Yasuyoshi Yokokohji - Kyoto University, Japan
Katherine J. Kuchenbecker - University of Pennsylvania, USA Dr. Micheal R. Zinn - University of Wisconsin, USA