Thanks to the generous support of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, applications for travel support are invited to facilitate authors of accepted ICRA 2017 papers to travel to the conference.  To be eligible, an applicant must be in one of the following two categories:

  1. Student members of IEEE Robotics and Automation Society with accepted ICRA 2017 papers
  2. Members of IEEE Robotics and Automation Society with accepted ICRA 2017 papers, from developing countries as determined by the IAWP Developing Country Listing

Important Dates

  • Application deadline: February 4, 2017
  • Notification of award: February 25, 2017  

Application Process

To submit a RAS travel grant application, please visit

To complete an application, an applicant is asked to provide:

  1. Basic information about the applicant
  2. Information about his/her accepted ICRA 2017 papers
  3. A statement about how attendance at ICRA 2017 will impact the applicant
  4. Resume/CV of the applicant                  

In addition, for a student applicant (category 1), the application requires the endorsement by the student’s faculty advisor. This endorsement is requested via email by the application system.

Applications are reviewed on a competitive basis. In order for an award recipient to claim the travel grant - typically in the range of US$500 to US$750 - he/she must provide proof of attendance (registration) and of travel (boarding passes and ticket receipt). Instructions regarding the reimbursement process will be provided at a later date.


Support and Information

For questions regarding travel support, please contact

Members of ICRA 2017 Travel Grant Committee:

Hong Zhang (Chair)
Nancy Amato
Jonathan Kelly
Juan Rojas
Hong Qiao
Maria Gini