The oral session room is equipped with a LCD projector and a Windows Laptop with PowerPoint and Acrobat PDF reader. Please do your best to use the room laptop and upload your PPT file on it before the beginning of the session. If you need to use your own laptop due to special reasons (only in case of requiring specific software for your presentation or in case of major compatibility problems), please check the connection with the projector before the session starts. Please arrive early enough to meet the session chair and to tell him/her your name, affiliation and the title of your paper before the session starts. The presentation time is 15 minutes. This includes speaker transition, setting up your computer (if needed), and question & answers. So each speaker will have to finish his/her talk within 12 minutes to have enough time for question & answers. |
A. One minute teaser presentation (each) in the poster teaser session (morning)
You will have only one minute, so you should be able to get your message briefly and clearly. The audience will know if they want to learn more and visit your poster during the next afternoon poster session. There will be questions and discussions during the session.
In order to save setting up time, please send your presentation file as a ONE MINUTE VIDEO FILE to sec@robosoft2019.org no later than March 31. The video will be uploaded on the room laptop and when you come to the podium, our staff will turn your video on. |
B. 80 minutes interactive discussion (total) in the poster session (afternoon)
After the teaser session, attendees can ask you questions and engage in discussion during the poster session.
You should prepare and print out your poster with dimensions up to A0 size, portrait orientation. You are responsible for attaching your poster to the poster panel at least one hour before the poster session starts, and remaining by the poster during the entire session. |
Poster Panel
The poster panel will be prepared with display table (1,000mm * 500mm) for your poster presentation as below. You can also use your laptop to do a demonstration during the poster session. |
You should prepare and print out your poster with dimensions up to A0 size, portrait orientation. You are responsible for attaching your poster to the poster panel at least one hour before the late breaking results session starts, and remaining by the poster during the entire session. |