RoboSoft 2023 Competition
The RoboSoft 2023 Competition invites teams to test the design and control of their robots in challenging scenarios. The competition will showcase novelties of soft robots like resilience, body compliance, delicate contact, and deformability.
The principal aim of the competition is twofold: first, to challenge state-of-the-art soft robots; second, to push the performance of soft robots beyond the state-of-the-art to increase their impact value.
The RoboSoft 2023 Competition is made of scenarios which focus on real-world robot applications. Rather than showcasing a range of capabilities, this year competition will focus on two specific challenges: “in-pipe locomotion” and “food handling for trays preparation”. In the 2023 edition, we keep exploring the autonomy on our mobile robots or manipulators, to reflect the advancements Soft Robotics did over the past decade.
All the details about participation and rules, will be available from the rulebook of the competition (Download Rulebook). To take part into the competition, fill the participation form: https://forms.gle/Ze9sAkrxXFp3PjN88 before the 10th February 2023. Additional information and important dates are available in the Rulebook, and you can also download the locomotion scenario from here: zipfile with locomotion.igs. Please, consider this as the approximate dimensions of the route!
Join us in Singapore, at the RoboSoft 2023 Conference, and prepare to showcase your robot!
In case of any doubt, do not hesitate to contact the chairs: Marcello Calisti mcalisti@lincoln.ac.uk, and Albert Causo acauso@handplusrobotics.com (local chair).
Additional contributors to the 2023 rulebook edition: Dr. Josie Hughes, Dr. Alistair McConnel and Dr. Joran Booth.