Session 3: Social Sustainability of Robots
Title: Meaningful Work and Workplace Automation
Abstract: The use of automated systems is increasingly posing new challenges. One of these is the ability to achieve meaningfulness in a workplace that is heavily automated or that includes robotic co-workers. In this paper, I will discuss the idea of building hybrid communities of human and robotic co-workers and the potential of this integration. I will consider some normative constraints and the prospects in terms of positive transformative effects on meaningful work.
Biosketch: Flavia Padovani is an Associate Professor of Philosophy in the English and Philosophy Department and a member of the Center for Science, Technology, and Society at Drexel University. Her research addresses issues in both history and philosophy of science, and general philosophy of science and technology broadly construed, mostly characterized by an interdisciplinary approach progressively focusing on the role of science with and for society.