Partification Fee
2014/9/9: The due date for early registration was changed from Sep. 25 to Oct. 2.
Early registration |
Late registration |
until Oct. 2 |
from Oct. 3 |
- IEEE membership |
50,000 JPY |
60,000 JPY |
- No IEEE membership |
65,000 JPY |
75,000 JPY |
-IEEE membership |
35,000 JPY |
40,000 JPY |
- No IEEE membership |
40,000 JPY |
45,000 JPY |
10,000 JPY/page |
The registration fee includes symposium proceedings, coffee breaks, symposium dinner and social activities.
On-Line Registraton Site
- Agent
- The registration icluding credit card transactions
is handled by Nippon Travel Agency, Hokkaido.
- Visa
- If you need an invitation letter from SSRR 2014 for visa,
please access "The online Registration Page for SSRR 2014" by clicking the following red button and select the item
"Invitation Letters for Visa Application", and then fill the application form with required information and send to Nippon Travel Agency, Hokkaido.
The online Registration Page for SSRR 2014