The IEEE Standards Education Committee UK&RI Student Paper Contest is sponsored by the IEEE Standards Education Committee. Knowledge of standards helps facilitate the transition from classroom to workplace by aligning educational concepts with real‐world applications and market constraints. In support of this the IEEE Standards Education Committee is running a student paper contest in conjunction with the IEEE UK&RI Student Branch Congress 2013 on the subject: What has been the impact of engineering standards on one of the following industry segments?
• Power and Energy
• Computers
• Communication
• Industry Automation
• Medical Industry
The goal of the competition is:
- To give an opportunity for IEEE UK&RI members to learn more about IEEE standards;
- To increase awareness of the IEEE Standards Education Committee (SEC);
- To encourage IEEE student members to submit written work and have it judged by a professional committee.
- The competition is open to all IEEE student members and graduate student members in the UK&RI section.
- The competition will open on 1st June 2013. The deadline for paper submission is 12nd August 2013.
- Four-page, double-column papers should be sent to Please make sure that the submitted paper follows the competition guidelines HERE .
The judging committee will consist of individuals from the IEEE Standards Education Committee and the IEEE UK&RI SBC Organizing Committee.
Prizes will be awarded at the IEEE UK&RI Student Branch Congress, taking place on 6th-8th September 2013:
- 1st prize: $500;
- 2nd prize: $300.
Evaluating Criteria
- Topic Chosen (20%) – why are standards important in this industry? What would happen without it?
- Professional writing (20%) – including readability, references, figures, tables, language clarity, formatting.
- Innovation (20%) -- Impact of standards in innovation in that industry?
- Insight Conveyed (20%) – what makes these standards important to this industry?
- Clarity of Claims (20%) – Substantiated and analytical conclusion of the impact of standards