Requests for visa support letters for purposes of attending or presenting at the HRI 2018 conference and workshops are handled by the ACM headquarters. International registrants should be particularly aware and careful about visa requirements, and should plan travel well in advance.

The ACM is able to provide visa support letters to attendees as well as authors with accepted papers, posters, or members of the conference committee. Please send your request for a letter in support of a visa application to the Office of SIG Services at You must include:

  • Your name (as it appears on attendee’s passport) and mailing address
  • The name of the conference you are attending (HRI 2018)
  • Your registration confirmation number (if available) OR
  • Your paper’s title. Speakers can provide the title of their talk.
  • Include a fax number or email address of where letter can be sent

Once the information is sent, ACM expects to issue the letter within a week. Please note that ACM does not issue formal letters of invitation to any of its conferences; it issues visa support letters.

The ACM does not provide letters for transport of vendor or presenter equipment. Instead, they suggest shipping the materials insured directly to the conference facility.