SV application form:

Deadline: December 15, 2017

Student Volunteers (SVs) are at the core of what makes HRI run smoothly, providing key support for the various activities at the conference (e.g., badge pick-up at registration, technical assistance during presentations, demo setup/takedown). For these contributions, SVs receive partial coverage of travel and other conference-related expenses.

In addition to facilitating HRI’s success, serving as a Student Volunteer is a great way to participate in one of the premier conferences on human-robot interaction research and to grow connections within in the HRI community.

Due to a limited amount of funding, students with papers accepted to the HRI ‘18 program will be given priority for the SV positions. However, we encourage all interested students to apply! We especially welcome applicants underrepresented in HRI towards building an inclusive SV coalition and a diversity of perspectives on human-robot interaction research.

Any questions can be directed to the SV Chairs — Henny Admoni and Megan Strait — at