37th International Electronics Manufacturing Technology (IEMT) - 18th Electronics Materials & Packaging (EMAP) Conference
Venue: G Hotel, George Town, Penang, Malaysia
The International Electronics Manufacturing Technology (IEMT) Conference is the premier IEEE event devoted to the manufacture of electronic, opto-electronic and MEMS/sensors devices and systems. IEMT is an established International conference of long standing organized by the Components Packaging and Manufacturing Technology (CPMT) Society of IEEE. The 37th International Electronics Manufacturing Technology (IEMT) - 18th Electronics Materials & Packaging (EMAP) Conference IEMT 2016 is being organized by the IEEE CPMT Malaysia Chapter with co-sponsorship from IEEE Santa Clara Valley Chapter.
The Electronics Materials & Packaging (EMAP) has gained a reputation as a premier electronics materials and packaging conference in Asia Pacific where the bulk of the packaging activities are taking place. It aims to strengthen R&D activities on electronic materials and packaging technologies in Asia and other regions in the world, to bridge academic scholars with industrial researchers, and to promote itself as a major international forum in this increasingly important area. Scientists, engineers, professors, researchers, and students from universities, research institutes, and related industrial companies are cordially invited to submit an abstract and to participate in the conference and in 2016, it will be collectively joined by the The International Electronics Manufacturing Technology. The objective is to create an international forum for the exchange, dissemination and discussion of state-of-the-art technologies and recent developments in electronic materials, packaging and assembly. Following the tremendous success in the last seventeen conferences in Singapore, Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, Japan, USA which were attended by delegates from more than 10 major countries, the upcoming conference will be held in Penang, Malaysia. So come and meet world-renowned authorities from the Asia-Pacific region, USA and Europe. Papers are invited from industry participants as well as researchers from the academia and government research organizations.
Technical Co-sponsors

Sponsor in Kind

Organizing Companies & Institutions (in alphabetical order)