Welcome to the official website of the IEEE Western Australia (WA) Section. IEEE WA Section is a not-for-profit technical unincorporated association registered with the Australian Business Registrar (ABN 73 150 912 699), and represents the Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers (IEEE) in Western Australia. In this website, you will find information about the Section, its sub-units, committee and activities.
VALE - Kit Po Wong (Born: 7 Oct 1946 Died: 8 Jul 2018)
It is with deep sadness and heavy hearts that we announce the passing of our great colleague and friend Professor Kit Po Wong.
Our Tribute to Kit Po Wong (PDF: 494 KiB)

IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Department is pleased to announce that the IEEE WA Section has met both its recruitment and retention goals for the 2023 membership year. Congratulations! Membership development goals were developed based on your Section’s four-year performance. You are to be commended for continuing to grow IEEE membership locally.
Call for Nominations for the 2023 IEEE WA Section Outstanding Volunteer Awards
This is the a Call for Nominations for the 2023 IEEE WA Section Outstanding Volunteer Awards. There are two awards in 2023.
You can help recognise the efforts of outstanding volunteers by nominating individuals for IEEE WA Section Outstanding Volunteer Awards.
Please see below links for the details and guidelines for the nominations and the nomination form. Self-nominations will be accepted. The deadline to submit nominations is 24 November 2023.
Nominate a fellow volunteer (or yourself) now!
The IEEE WA Section Outstanding Volunteer Awards committee is as follows. If one of the committee members is nominated, Section Chair will handle the Conflict of Interest. Section Chair will not be nominated for the award.
- Kevin Wong (Section Chair)
- Harry McDonald
- Cesar Ortega-Sanchez
- Wen Lei
Email nominations and questions to Kevin Wong (k.wong@murdoch.edu.au)
IEEE WA Section Annual General Meeting (AGM)
When: Friday, 1 December 2023, 5:15pm for 5:30 pm start.
Where: Curtin University Building 312 Room 222.
Details: Please join the IEEE WA Section Committee for the 2023 AGM.
Please register your interest in attending the AGM with Sirui (sirui.li83@gmail.com) by Friday 24 November 2023.
Dinner: Depending on interest, a dinner is proposed to be booked for 7:30 pm at the Cairo Cafe & Restaurant Cannington at 1/13 Hamilton St, Cannington WA 6107, only a short drive from AGM at Curtin University.
Please indicate to Sirui your interest in attending a dinner following the AGM when registering your attendance at the AGM. The dinner will be partly subsidised or fully subsidised for IEEE members and one Guest, depending on interest. Non members will pay full price for the dinner.
The following groups will be holding their AGM together with the IEEE WA Section:
- Circuits and Systems (CAS) Chapter
- Computer (CS) Chapter
- Control System (CSS) Chapter
- Joint Computational Intelligence /Robotics & Automation (CIS and RAS) Chapter
- Systems Man & Cybernetics (SMC) Chapter
IEEE WA Section and Chapters: Call for 2024 nominations
The IEEE is the largest professional engineering organisation in the world with over 400,000 members worldwide. Western Australia has over 600 members.
Each year the term of the elected officers ends on the 31st Dec and the newly elected officers commence early in the following year. Many of the volunteers continue to support the IEEE and nominate from year to year (within limits of maximum terms). The IEEE Western Australia Section and it's technical society chapters are inviting nominations from existing IEEE committee members and also members at large to serve on its committees in 2023. New volunteers are welcome.
The main elected roles are: chair, vice chair, treasurer and secretary on each of the committees. There are other appointed role opportunities e.g. webmaster, technical activities coordinator, awards and recognition coordinator, student activities coordinator, educational activities coordinator, membership development. These appointed roles are selected from the pool of other elected officers.
As a member of these committees you will get the opportunity to work with other IEEE volunteers and perhaps gain new skills or sharpen existing ones that can be applied in volunteer roles or help you in your employment. Some examples: organisation skills, minute taking, financial management, seminar and conference operations. The amount of time that you devote to volunteering is up to you and the role that you might enjoy, either because it suits your existing skills or you would like some challenges.
It can be a foot in the door to other IEEE volunteer activities locally and internationally. IEEE volunteer activity sometimes provides support and credibility towards your own career progression/recognition.
The IEEE is an international organisation and many volunteers get the opportunity to represent Western Australia or a particular engineering discipline overseas.
Most of the work undertaken by these committees relates to technical events including international conferences.
The main elected roles are:
- Chair
- Vice Chair
- Treasurer
- Secretary
You could also join as a general committee member and consider a specific role early on in 2024 once normal section operations gets underway.
The IEEE society organisational units (OU) that are included in the call for nomination in 2024 are:
- Western Australia Section – as the oversight group for all the WA activities (nomination form)
- Circuits and Systems (CAS) Chapter (nomination form)
- Communications (ComSoc) Chapter (nomination form)
- Computer (CS) Chapter (nomination form)
- Control System (CSS) Chapter (nomination form)
- Joint Computational Intelligence /Robotics & Automation (CIS and RAS) Chapter (nomination form)
- Systems Man & Cybernetics (SMC) Chapter (nomination form)
For those societies not listed please contact the current 2023 chapter or OU chair directly for information about volunteering and/or serving on their 2024 committees.
The closing date for the nominations is COB Friday the 24th Nov 2023.
IEEE TENSYMP 2023: registration now open
The theme for 2023 is ‘Technology for an Autonomous World’.
IEEE ACT Section welcomes authors and speakers from university, industry and government to share new perspectives and research across science, engineering and technologies.
Registration: https://tensymp2023.org/program/#registration
IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) 2023
IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) 2023
IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering 2023 will take place in Auckland, New Zealand on 26-29 August 2023.
CASE is the flagship automation conference of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS) and constitutes the primary forum for cross-industry and multidisciplinary research in automation.
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo
The IEEE ICME 2023 will take place July 10-14, 2023 in Brisbane, Australia. ICME 2023 will convene leading researchers and practitioners to share the latest developments and advances in the discipline. The conference will showcase high quality oral and poster presentations, as well as relevant Workshops sponsored by IEEE societies. An exhibition of multimedia products will be also held in conjunction to the conference. ICME 2023 will also nominate prestigious awards for exceptional papers and contributors.
Topics of Interest include, but are not limited to:
- 3D multimedia, AR/VR and immersive media
- Emerging multimedia applications and technologies
- Multimedia analysis and understanding
- Multimedia communications, networking and mobility
- Multimedia databases and mining
- Multimedia quality assessment and metrics
- Multimedia security, privacy and forensics
- Multimedia standards, trends and related research
- Multi-modal media computing, interaction and human machine
- Social media analysis and applications
- Speech/audio processing
- Image/video processing
Submission dates
Portal for Submission of regular Papers and Special Session Paper Submissions
Submission dates:
- Special Session Proposals: 20-Nov-22
- Workshop Proposals: 20-Nov-22
- Tutorial Proposals: 20-Nov-22
- Grand Challenge Proposals: 20-Nov-22
- Regular/Special Session Paper Submission: 11-Dec-22
- Regular Paper Acceptance Notification: 12-Mar-23
- Panels Proposals: 23-Mar-22
- Industry Expo Proposals: 23-Mar-23
- Industry/Application Paper Submission: 23-Mar-23
- Demo proposal submission deadline: 23-Mar-23
- Workshop Paper Submissions: 23-Mar-23
- Industry Technology Workshop Proposals: 23-Mar-23
IEEE TENSYMP 2023: call for papers
Call for Papers and Special Sessions
The theme for 2023 is ‘Technology for an Autonomous World’.
IEEE ACT Section welcomes authors and speakers from university, industry and government to share new perspectives and research across science, engineering and technologies.
This includes but not limited to the following topics:
- Antenna, Microwave and RF Engineering
- Image and Video Processing
- Smart Technologies
- Blockchain/Distributed Ledger Technologies
- Artificial Intelligence
- Cloud Computing, Security and Privacy
- Humanitarian and Social Impacts of Technologies
- Low Power VLSI devices, Circuits and Systems
- Telecommunications / 5G and Beyond
- Power Electronics and Systems
- Renewable Energy Technologies
- Control Systems and Engineering
- Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
- Computational Intelligence
- Geoscience and Remote Sensing
- Data Science and Engineering
- Main page: https://tensymp2023.org
- Call for papers PDF: tensymp-2023-call-for-papers-3 (PDF: 808 KiB).