2018 IEEE IES Best Chapter Activity Award

I am pleased to report that that the IEEE Poland Joint Chapter of Industrial Electronics and Power Electronics Societies (IES and PELS respectively) has been selected as the recipient of 2018 IEEE IES Best Chapter Activity Award for recognition of demonstrated performance of chapter activity. The award ceremony took place during the IECON 2018 Gala Dinner. The award was handed over to the Vice-Chair of IEEE Poland Joint Chapter of IE/PEL Societies, Dr. Robert Smoleński.
2016 IEEE IES Best Chapter Activity Award

I am pleased to report that that the IEEE Poland Joint Chapter of Industrial Electronics and Power Electronics Societies (IES and PELS respectively) has been selected as the recipient of 2016 IEEE IES Best Chapter Activity Award for recognition of demonstrated performance of chapter activity. The award ceremony took place during the IECON 2017 Gala Dinner. The award was handed over to the Chair of IEEE Poland Joint Chapter of IE/PEL Societies, Dr. Sebastian Stynski, by the IES President, Prof. Kamal Al-Haddad.
2010 IEEE IES Chapter Activity Award

I am pleased to report that that the IEEE Poland Joint Chapter of Industrial Electronics and Power Electronics Societies (IES and PELS respectively) has been selected as the recipient of 2010 IEEE IES Best Chapter Activity Award for recognition of demonstrated performance of chapter activity. The award was handed over to the Chair of IEEE Poland Joint Chapter of IE/PEL Societies, Dr. Marek Jasiński.