24th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering
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Conference Secretariat
Cathie Lowell
CCECE 2011
IEEE Canada
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Dundas, ON, L9H 4H0
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to the 24th annual
IEEE Canada Conference

read our history

Electrifying a Green Future May 8-11, 2011
Marriott Gateway
Niagara Falls
Ontario, Canada

Message from the General Chair

On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to extend you a warm welcome to attend CCECE 2011, to be held in the scenic location of Niagara Falls, Canada - one of the seven natural wonders of the world.

The 24th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering is the flagship event for IEEE Canada. This year, the IEEE Canada Central Region, along with the Toronto, Hamilton, Kingston, Kitchener/Waterloo, London, and Peterborough Sections, have the pleasure of hosting this important conference. CCECE is Canada's premier networking forum for leading researchers in the board area of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

This year's theme is "Electrifying a Green Future". On each morning of the conference, the day will be opened by a plenary talk. This year, we are honoured to have three excellent speakers. Prof. Peter Frise, University of Windsor, Scientific Director & CEO - Auto21, Canada's Network Centres of Excellence, will open the address with the current status and future opportunities on "Automotive Research in Canada". Prof. Richard J. Marceau, Provost, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, will introduce the "PEEC: The Power Engineering Education Consortium". Finally, Chris Ouslis, Vice President and Founder, Fresco Microchip, Markham, ON will provide a motivating talk on "Why don't we have more high-tech entrepreneurs in Canada?"

CCECE 2011 will also include 40 oral sessions, 1 poster session, and 5 tutorials given by experts on state-of-the-art topics. Papers are organized into 8 technical tracks, "Circuits, Devices and Systems", "Computers, Software and Applications", "Control and Robotics", "Power Electronics and Energy Systems", "Communications and Networking", "Signal and Multimedia Processing", "Biomedical and Health Informatics", and "Engineered & Natural Complex Systems: Modeling, Simulation & Analysis". The diversity of the technical program ensures that the conference will be interesting and relevant to our attendees.

I would like to express our deepest gratitude to the large number of volunteers who helped shape CCECE-2011. In particular I like to personally acknowledge Prof. Scott Yam (Queens University) and Prof. Andy Ye for going far beyond their duties to help us to organize an excellent and rich technical program. Special thanks also go to Prof. Xavier Fernando for his dedication on the tutorial and workshops.

Whether this is your first or returning visit to the Niagara Falls, I strongly recommend you to extend your stay and visit some of the countless attractions in the region.

I look forward to personally meeting you at CCECE 2011.

Prof. Wai Tung Ng
CCECE-2011 General Chair

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