Conference Secretariat
Cathie Lowell
CCECE 2011
IEEE Canada
PO Box 63005
University Postal Outlet
102 Plaza Drive
Dundas, ON, L9H 4H0
Ph/Fax: (905) 628 - 9554
Paper Kit
French / Français
Electrifying a Green Future
May 8-11, 2011
Marriott Gateway
Niagara Falls
Ontario, Canada
Note: Conference registration is currently online.
Please click on this link to go to this section.
There are three types of registration:
- Author
- Student / Life Member / Other (IEEE Member / Non-Member)
- Partner
Please read the below information thoroughly.
Author's Registration Information
Every paper submitted for this conference must be registered at the full registration rate:
- $575 (CAN) if you are an IEEE member
- $700 (CAN) if you are not an IEEE member
This type of registration is classified as an Author Registration. See "Author and Student Registration Packages" below to see what is included in the Author's Registration Package.
Extra charges for each additional paper, and extra pages on all papers submitted are listed in the Registration Fee table shown below. Authors must refer to the Author's Guide
web page for an explanation of paper length, extra papers, and extra pages.
Student's, Life Member and Other's (IEEE Member / Non-Member)
Registration Information
If you are submitting a paper, as the paper's Author, then you must
register as per the Authors Registration Information noted above.
However, if you are a co-author, and the paper's author has registered at the full
authors' rate, then you may register at the student's (or Life Member or IEEE Member / Non-Member)
registration rate, as shown in the Registration Fee Table.
Other Student (or Life Member or IEEE Member / Non-Member)
attendees may register under the Student's/Life Member/IEEE Member/Non-Member's
registration rate, shown below in the Registration Fee table.
Note that Students, Life Members, IEEE Members / Non-Members and Authors
receive the same registration package (see below).
Author, Student, Life Member and IEEE Member/Non-Member Registration Packages:
Access to all plenary talks, oral and special sessions
All nutrition breaks, including breakfasts and lunches
The welcoming reception and awards night banquet
Registration package with the conference proceedings in CD-ROM format
Partner's Registration Information
Definition of Partner: wife, husband, girl/boy friend, same-sex partner, etc.
The CCECE Organizing Committee has made special provisions to allow attendee's Partners* to enjoy several benefits of the conference (see "Partner Registration Packages" for what this includes). Partners' fee schedule is listed in the Registration Fee table below.
Partner Registration Packages:
- Welcoming reception
- Breakfasts
- Awards Night Banquet
Registration Fees Table
IEEE CCECE 2011 Registration Fees
IEEE Members
Non IEEE Members
Each Additional Paper ***
Each Extra Page **
Attendee Partners
Until Mar. 25, 2011*
$575 / $700
Until Apr. 15, 2011
After Apr. 15, 2011
All fees are in Canadian Dollars, and
do not include the 13% Harmonized Sales Tax (HST).
GST Registration Number is: 891920704RT001
* At least one author must register at the full rate by Mar. 25, 2011. Camera-ready papers must also be submitted by this time.
** Extra page fee is per page/per paper.
*** Every paper in the conference MUST be registered at the full rate, subject to what was stated above.
There will be four half-day tutorials (2 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon of the same day) and one full day tutorial. For CCECE 2011 this year, tutorials are free and are included
with every registration, subject to the fees specified above. Please see the tutorials page for more details.
Register online using the secure site provided by our conference registration company, Microspec Registration Service, found here:
Registration fees may be paid by credit card, bank draft or by bank transfer. Contact the Conference Treasurer,
Shahab Ardalan
for additional information.
Tours and Sight Seeing
If Partners or Participants (Authors and Students) are interested in tours and sight-seeing, please visit the following link. Please note that this is NOT included in any of the registration fees.
Cancellation Policy
Registrations may be cancelled up to, and including March 25, 2011. No refunds will be issued thereafter. Each cancellation is subject to a $50 non-refundable administration fee.
The above Cancellation Policy applies only to non-author regular delegates.
However, there will be no cancellation refunds for authors who have registered for their paper publication in the conference, if their cancellation requests are received on or after March 25, 2011.
Important Traveler's Information
New passport restrictions for air travel to and from the United States and Canada, Mexico, Bermuda, and the Caribbean. Travelers will be required to have a passport to enter or re-enter the United States with all air travel (this includes when you are in transit).
Visa Information
Travelers requiring a letter from the Conference's Organizing Committee for the purposes of
obtaining a VISA for traveling to Canada requires conference registration prior to requesting this letter.
The registration fees are not refundable. Please send your request to:
Please include your full name, address, passport number and date of birth. We will send you the electronic
copy of the invitation letter once complete.
To become an IEEE member, click here.
For more information, please contact
Cathie Lowell
Pearl Cao