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Cathie Lowell
CCECE 2011
IEEE Canada
PO Box 63005
University Postal Outlet
102 Plaza Drive
Dundas, ON, L9H 4H0
Ph/Fax: (905) 628 - 9554 Email:

Author's Guide

Paper Kit


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CCECE 2011 - Paper Submission Kit

Table of Contents

Part I: General Information Part II: Preparation of the Paper Part III: Verifying the Paper Part IV: Submission and Review of the Paper Part V: Preparation of the Presentation

Part I: General Information


The CCECE 2011 paper submission and review process has been modified from previous CCECE conferences to now use a full paper review process:

  • Authors who wish to participate in the conference will create documents consisting of a complete description of their ideas and applicable research results in a maximum of 4 pages. Up to 2 additional pages are allowed with a $50.00 a page surcharge.
  • Submit the paper AND the copyright form electronically. The full paper must be submitted for review by the deadline of Friday January 14, 2011. If the paper is accepted, there will be an opportunity to modify the paper in response to the reviewer's comments before the final submission of March 25, 2011.
  • Check the EDAS website for the status of your paper.
  • Paper submissions will be reviewed by experts selected by the conference committee for their demonstrated knowledge of particular topics. The progress and results of the review process will be posted on the EDAS website, and authors will also be notified of the review results by email.
  • Prepare a lecture presentation following the guidelines included in this document.

The review process is being conducted entirely online. To make the review process easy for the reviewers, and to assure that the paper submissions will be readable through the online review system, we ask that authors submit paper documents that are formatted according to the Paper Kit instructions included here.

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Papers may be no longer than 4 pages (or up to 6 with a $50.00 per page surcharge), including all text, figures, and references.

Papers must be submitted by the deadline date. There will be no exceptions.

Accepted papers MUST be presented at the conference by one of the authors, or, if none of the authors are able to attend, by a qualified surrogate. The presenter MUST register for the conference at one of the non-student rates offered, MUST register before the deadline given for author registration AND submit the IEEE copyright form. Failure to register before the deadline will result in automatic withdrawal of your paper from the conference proceedings and program.

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Deadlines and Important Dates

Submission of Papers for ReviewFriday January 14, 2011
Notification of Acceptance (by email)Friday, February 25, 2011
Author’s Registration DeadlineFriday March 25, 2011
Final Paper Submission DeadlineFriday March 25, 2011
Copyright Form Submission DeadlineFriday March 25, 2011
Advance Registration DeadlineFriday April 15, 2011

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Please make sure to put the conference name (CCECE 2011) and the paper number that is assigned to you on all correspondence.

Additional questions regarding submission of papers should be directed to the following address:

Conference Secretariat
CCECE 2011
IEEE Canada
PO Box 63005
University Postal Outlet
102 Plaza Drive
Dundas, ON, L9H 4H0
Ph/Fax: (905) 628 - 9554
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Part II: Preparation of the Paper

Document Formatting

Use the following guidelines when preparing your document:

LENGTH: You are allowed a total of 4 pages for your document or up to 6 pages with a $50.00 per page surcharge. This is the maximum number of pages that will be accepted, including all figures, tables, and references.
Any documents that exceed the 6 page limit will be rejected.

TEXT FORMAT: The text of the full paper MUST be in double-column, IEEE conference style format. Please see the Templates section for more details.

LANGUAGE: All proposals must be in English or French.

MARGINS: Documents should be formatted for standard letter-size (8-1/2" by 11" or 216mm by 279mm) paper. Any text or other material outside the margins specified below will not be accepted:

  • All text and figures must be contained in a 178 mm x 229 mm (7 inch x 9 inch) image area.
  • The left margin must be 19 mm (0.75 inch).
  • The top margin must be 25 mm (1.0 inch), except for the title page where it must be 35 mm (1.375 inches).
  • Text should appear in two columns, each 86 mm (3.39 inch) wide with 6 mm (0.24 inch) space between columns.
  • On the first page, the top 50 mm (2") of both columns is reserved for the title, author(s), and affiliation(s). These items should be centered across both columns, starting at 35 mm (1.375 inches) from the top of the page.
  • The paper abstract should appear at the top of the left-hand column of text, about 12 mm (0.5") below the title area and no more than 80 mm (3.125") in length. Leave 12 mm (0.5") of space between the end of the abstract and the beginning of the main text.


Face: To achieve the best viewing experience for the review process and conference proceedings, we strongly encourage authors to use Times-Roman or Computer Modern fonts. If a font face is used that is not recognized by the submission system, your proposal will not be reproduced correctly.

Size: Use a font size that is no smaller than 9 points throughout the paper, including figure captions. In 9-point type font, capital letters are 2 mm high. For 9-point type font, there should be no more than 3.2 lines/cm (8 lines/inch) vertically. This is a minimum spacing; 2.75 lines/cm (7 lines/inch) will make the proposal much more readable. Larger type sizes require correspondingly larger vertical spacing.

TITLE: The paper title must appear in boldface letters and should be in ALL CAPITALS. Do not use LaTeX math notation ($x_y$) in the title; the title must be representable in the Unicode character set. Also try to avoid uncommon acronyms in the title.

AUTHOR LIST: The authors' name(s) and affiliation(s) appear below the title in capital and lower case letters. Proposals with multiple authors and affiliations may require two or more lines for this information. The order of the authors on the document should exactly match in number and order the authors typed into the online submission form.

ABSTRACT: Each paper should contain an abstract of 50 to 250 words that appears at the beginning of the document. Use the same text that is submitted electronically along with the author contact information.

INDEX TERMS (KEYWORDS): You may enter up to 5 keywords separated by commas. Keywords may be selected from the IEEE keyword list found at:


BODY: Major headings appear in boldface CAPITAL letters, centered in the column. Subheadings appear in capital and lower case, either underlined or in boldface. They start at the left margin of the column on a separate line. Sub-subheadings are discouraged, but if they must be used, they should appear in capital and lower case, and start at the left margin on a separate line. They may be underlined or in italics.

REFERENCES: List and number all references at the end of the document. The references can be numbered in alphabetical order or in order of appearance in the paper. When referring to them in the text, type the corresponding reference number in square brackets as shown at the end of this sentence [1]. The end of the document should include a list of references containing information similar to the following example:

[1] D. E. Ingalls, "Image Processing for Experts," IEEE Trans. ASSP, vol. ASSP-36, pp. 1932-1948, 1988.

ILLUSTRATIONS & COLOUR: Illustrations must appear within the designated margins. They may span the two columns. If possible, position illustrations at the top of columns, rather than in the middle or at the bottom. Caption and number every illustration. All halftone illustrations must be clear in black and white. Since the printed proceedings will be produced in black and white, be sure that your images are acceptable when printed in black and white (the CD-ROM and IEEE Xplore proceedings will retain the colours in your document).

PAGE NUMBERS: Do not put page numbers on your document. Appropriate page numbers will be added to accepted papers when the conference proceedings are assembled.

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The following style files and templates are available for users of LaTeX and Microsoft Word:

We recommend that you use the Word file or LaTeX files to produce your document, since they have been set up to meet the formatting guidelines listed above. When using these files, double-check the paper size in your page setup to make sure you are using the letter-size paper layout (8.5" X 11"). The LaTeX environment files specify suitable margins, page layout, text, and a bibliography style.

In particular, with LaTeX, there are cases where the top-margin of the resulting Postscript or PDF file does not meet the specified parameters. In this case, you may need to add a \topmargin=0mm command just after the \begin{document} command in your .tex file. The spacing of the top margin is not critical, as the page contents will be adjusted on the proceedings. The critical dimensions are the actual width and height of the page content.

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Part III: Verifying the Paper

Using IEEE's PDF Express to check your PDFs

CCECE 2011 has registered for use of a new IEEE tool: IEEE PDF eXpress™

IEEE PDF eXpress is a free service to IEEE conferences, allowing their authors to make IEEE Xplore-compatible PDFs (Conversion function) or to check PDFs that authors have made themselves for IEEE Xplore compatibility (PDF Check function).

Steps for checking or converting PDFs using IEEE PDF Express:

  1. Create your manuscript(s)
  2. Proofread and check layout of manuscript (it is highly recommended that you do this BEFORE going to IEEE PDF eXpress.)
  3. Create IEEE PDF eXpress account
  4. Upload source file(s) for Conversion; and/or PDF(s) for Checking
  5. Use IEEE PDF eXpress to attain IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF(s). The site contains extensive instructions, resources, helpful hints, and access to technical support.
  6. Submit final, IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF(s) per the instructions in Part III below. Uploading a paper to IEEE PDF Express is not the same as submitting the paper to the conference for review. You will still need to submit the checked PDF by the normal means.


IEEE PDF eXpress: https://www.pdf-express.org
Conference ID: ccece11x

  1. Access the IEEE PDF eXpress site
  2. First-time users:

    1. Click "New Users - Click Here".
    2. Enter ccece11x for the Conference ID, your email address, and choose a new password. Continue to enter information as prompted.
    3. You will receive online and email confirmation of successful account setup.

    Previous users, but using it the first time for a new conference:

    1. Enter ccece11x for the Conference ID, your email address, and enter the password you used for your old account.
    2. When you click "Login", you’ll receive an error saying you need to set up an account. Simply click "Continue". By entering your previously used email address and password combination, you will enable your old account for access to this new conference.
    3. Check that the contact information is still valid, and click "Submit".
    4. You will receive online and email confirmation of successful account setup.

    Returning users:

    1. Enter ccece11x for the Conference ID, email address and password.
  3. For each conference paper, click "Create New Title".
  4. Enter identifying text for the paper (title is recommended but not required)
  5. Click "Submit PDF for Checking" or "Submit Source Files for Conversion"
  6. Indicate platform, source file type (if applicable), click Browse and navigate to file, and click "Upload File". You will receive online and email confirmation of successful upload
  7. You will receive an email with your Checked PDF or IEEE PDF eXpress-converted PDF attached. If you submitted a PDF for Checking, the email will show if your file passed or failed.
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Part IV: Submission and Review of the Paper

The review process will be performed from the electronic submission of your paper. To ensure that your document is compatible with the review system, please adhere to the following compatibility requirements:

File Format

The 'IEEE Requirements for PDF Documents' MUST be followed EXACTLY. The conference is required to ensure that documents follow this specification. The requirements are enumerated in:

Papers must be submitted in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) format.

PDF files:

  • must not have Adobe Document Protection or Document Security enabled,
  • must have 'US Letter' sized pages,
  • must be in first-page-first order, and
  • must have ALL FONTS embedded and subset.

ALL FONTS MUST be embedded in the PDF file. There is no guarantee that the viewers of the paper (reviewers and those who view the proceedings CD-ROM after publication) have the same fonts used in the document. If fonts are not embedded in the submission, you will be contacted by the organizing committee and asked to submit a file that has all fonts embedded. Please refer to your PDF or PS file generation utility's user guide to find out how to embed all fonts.

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Converting Files to PDF

The IEEE PDF eXpress system can convert the following application formats to PDF:

  • Microsoft Word
  • WordPerfect
  • Rich Text Format
  • Freelance
  • (La)TeX (A DVI and supported image files must be included in a compressed archive)
  • PageMaker (images should not be embedded, included with main file in a compressed archive)
  • FrameMaker
  • Word Pro
  • Quark (*.qxd and images files must be included in a compressed archive)

More information on this service is available on the IEEE PDF eXpress at:


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Electronic Paper Submission

When you have your document file ready, gather the following information before entering the submission system:

  • Document file in PDF format
  • Affiliation, email address, and mailing address for each author
  • Paper title
  • Text file containing paper abstract text, in ASCII text format (for copying and pasting into web page form)

To submit your document and author information, go to the 'Submit Paper' link on the CCECE 2011 area of the EDAS submission system:


If this is your first time using EDAS for this or any other conference, you will need to create a new account by following the link. If you have registered with EDAS for any previous conference, your account will still be valid.

Once you have logged in, choose 'Submit paper' to submit a new paper. The submission system will present a choice of Symposia for the conference. Choose the most approriate track for your paper and click on the 'Submit' icon.

The system will then present an entry form to allow you to enter the paper title, keywords, and abstract text (50-250 words in length). You will be able to enter authors later. After you submit this information, the system will display a form allowing you to upload the paper, add or modify authors, edit the title or abstract, verify the mauscript upload, check the format of the paper, and check the status of your paper. An email message will be sent to the authors' email addresses to confirm when the paper has been submitted and when the file has been uploaded.

ALL authors must be entered in the online form, and must appear in the online form in the same order in which the authors appear on the PDF.

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IEEE Copyright Transfer Form

The IEEE copyright form for your paper must be signed and submitted via the online conference submission system listed above by the final submission deadline of Friday March 25, 2011.

The copyright form is available online through the online conference submission system. Simply log in to the following link: https://edas.info/9144, and select your paper. There will be a link to submit your signed copyright form.

Failure to submit the signed copyright form will result in the automatic withrawal of the paper from the conference.

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Online Review Process

Please note that EDAS does not provide the conversion facility to convert full papers to PDF format. It is the responsibility of the author(s) to convert the full paper to PDF format and is subject to the PDF format specifications mentioned earlier. Please see the converting PDF file section above. After, our submission system staff will visually inspect your full paper to assure that the document is readable and meets all formatting requirements to be included in a visually pleasing and consistent proceedings publication for CCECE 2011. If your paper passes inspection, it will be entered into the review process. A committee of reviewers selected by the conference committee will review the documents and rate them according to quality, relevence, and correctness. The conference technical committee will use these reviews to determine which papers will be accepted for presentation in the conference. The result of the technical committee's decision will be communicated to the submitting authors by email, along with any reviewer comments, if any.

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Monitor Your Submission Status

After you submit your document, you may monitor the status of your paper as it progresses through the submission and review process by using the 'My Paper' area of the EDAS website available at:


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Notification of Acceptance

Authors will be notified of paper acceptance or non-acceptance by email as close as possible to the published author notification date of February 25, 2011. The email notification will include the presentation format chosen for your paper (lecture or poster) and may also include the presentation date and time, if available.

The notification email will include comments from the reviewers. The conference cannot guarantee that all of the reviewers will provide the level of comment desired by you. However, reviewers are encouraged to submit as detailed comments as possible.

Because of the short amount of time between paper acceptance decisions and the beginning of the publication process, CCECE 2011 is not able to allow for a two-way discourse between the authors and the reviewers of a paper. If there appears to be a logistical error in the reviewer comments, such as the reviewer commenting on the wrong paper, etc., please contact CCECE 2011 at .

You will have an opportunity to modify your paper in response to the reviewer's comments. The final paper submission deadline is Friday March 25, 2011 back to the top

Required Author Registration

Be sure that at least one author registers to attend the conference using the online registration system available through the conference website. Each paper must have at least one author registered, with the payment received by the author registration deadline (see above) to avoid being withdrawn from the conference.

Link for registration to be added soon

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Copyright Issues for Web Publication

If you plan to publish a copy of an accepted paper on the Internet by any means, you MUST display the following IEEE copyright notice on the first page that displays IEEE published (and copyrighted) material:

Copyright 2011 IEEE. Published in the IEEE 2011 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 2011), scheduled for May 8-11, 2011 in Niagara Falls, ON, Canada. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works, must be obtained from the IEEE. Contact: Manager, Copyrights and Permissions / IEEE Service Center / 445 Hoes Lane / P.O. Box 1331 / Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, USA. Telephone: + Intl. 908-562-3966.

If you post an electronic version of an accepted paper, you must provide the IEEE with the electronic address (URL, FTP address, etc.) of the posting.

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Part V: Preparation of the Presentation

Once final papers are received, the Technical Program Committee will finalize the program and assign your paper to either an oral presentation session or a poster presentation session. To help authors prepare for lecture and poster presentations, the following suggestions have been created:

Lecture Presentations

Presentation time is critical: each paper is allocated 17-18 minutes for oral sessions. We recommend that presentation of your slides should take about 15 minutes, leaving 2-3 minutes for introduction, summary, and questions from the audience. To achieve appropriate timing, organize your slides or viewgraphs around the points you intend to make, using no more than one slide per minute. A reasonable strategy is to allocate about 2 minutes per slide when there are equations or important key points to make, and one minute per slide when the content is less complex. Slides attract and hold attention, and reinforce what you say - provided you keep them simple and easy to read. Plan on covering at most 6 points per slide, covered by 6 to 12 spoken sentences and no more than about two spoken minutes.

Make sure each of your key points is easy to explain with aid of the material on your slides. Do not read directly from the slide during your presentation. You shouldn't need to prepare a written speech, although it is often a good idea to prepare the opening and closing sentences in advance. It is very important that you rehearse your presentation in front of an audience before you give your presentation at CCECE. Surrogate presenters must be sufficiently familiar with the material being presented to answer detailed questions from the audience. In addition, the surrogate presenter must contact the Session Chair in advance of the presenter's session.

A computer-driven slideshow for use with a data projector is recommended for your talk at CCECE. All presentation rooms will be equipped with a computer, a data projector, a microphone (for large rooms), a lectern, and a pointing device. An overhead projector will be provided upon request. If you need any other audio or visual equipment, such as a PAL or NTSC VHS player, or 35mm slide projector, please send a request for such equipment by email to . Such requests must be received by one month before the conference date. Failure to make prior arrangements may mean that the equipment will not be available to you.

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Poster Presentations

Poster sessions are a good medium for authors to present papers and meet with interested attendees for in-depth technical discussions. In addition, attendees find the poster sessions a good way to sample many papers in parallel sessions. Thus it is important that you display your message clearly and noticeably to attract people who might have an interest in your paper.

Your poster should cover the key points of your work. It need not, and should not, attempt to include all the details; you can describe them in person to people who are interested. The ideal poster is designed to attract attention, provide a brief overview of your work, and initiate discussion. Carefully and completely prepare your poster well in advance of the conference. Try tacking up the poster before you leave for the conference to see what it will look like and to make sure that you have all of the necessary pieces.

For your poster, a board will be provided which measures 120cm tall by 180cm wide (4 ft. tall by 6 ft. wide) in landscape orientation. Push tacks or velcro adhesive will be provided at the conference to mount your poster to the board.

The title of your poster should appear at the top in CAPITAL letters about 25mm high. Below the title put the author(s)' name(s) and affiliation(s). The flow of your poster should be from the top left to the bottom right. Use arrows to lead your viewer through the poster. Use colour for highlighting and to make your poster more attractive. Use pictures, diagrams, cartoons, figures, etc., rather than text wherever possible. Try to state your main result in 6 lines or less, in lettering about 15mm high so that people can read the poster from a distance. The smallest text on your poster should be at least 9mm high, and the important points should be in a larger size. Use a sans-serif font (such as "cmss" in the Computer Modern family or the "Helvetica" PostScript font) to make the print easier to read from a distance.

Make your poster as self-explanatory as possible. This will save your efforts for technical discussions. There will not be any summaries given at the beginning of the poster sessions at CCECE 2011, so authors need not prepare any overhead slides for their poster presentations. You may bring additional battery-operated audio or visual aids to enhance your presentation.

Prepare a short presentation of about 5 or 10 minutes that you can periodically give to those assembled around your poster throughout the poster session. If possible, more than one author should attend the session to aid in presentations and discussions, and to provide the presenters with the chance to rest or briefly view other posters.

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