24th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering
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Conference Secretariat
Cathie Lowell
CCECE 2011
IEEE Canada
PO Box 63005
University Postal Outlet
102 Plaza Drive
Dundas, ON, L9H 4H0
Ph/Fax: (905) 628 - 9554 Email:

Author's Guide

Paper Kit


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to the 24th annual
IEEE Canada Conference

read our history

Electrifying a Green Future May 8-11, 2011
Marriott Gateway
Niagara Falls
Ontario, Canada


Information for sponsors

CCECE 2011 offers a wonderful forum for researchers, practitioners, companies and organizations to meet, network, interact and support engineers and computer scientists of today and tomorrow. We welcome organizations of all kinds to join us in this event, as sponsors or exhibitors, and help us continue this successful Canadian Engineering tradition. CCECE 2011 offers a variety of ways for your company to participate, please see the documentation below, and please contact either or

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