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Electrifying a Green Future May 8-11, 2011
Marriott Gateway
Niagara Falls
Ontario, Canada

Tutorial D: Getting Your Point Across

Sunday Afternoon, May 8
1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Room: TBA

Presented by

Celia Desmond - President, World Class Telecommunications


The most requested skill today, aside from technical competence, is strong communications skills. Companies are desperate for strong skills in the area of their business, and also for strong management skills, particularly the ability to create and communicate clear messages. At the same time, many innovative professionals have ideas for new products, services, working methodologies or processes which could be extremely beneficial to companies in search of new directions to stay competitive. However, too often these ideas remain dormant, simply because of the inability of the originator to create the information package that would convince management of the benefits of the idea.

This seminar addresses many of the areas which enable technical professionals to communicate effectively, orally and in writing, in different situations. The talk directly addresses basic skills of communications, such as preparing presentations, writing reports, and preparing resumes. Equally as important though, the talk addresses the environment in which the communications occur. Successful communications consider the receiver of the communications, ensuring that the message is presented in a form which will be attractive to the receiver.

The objective of this tutorial is to allow competent engineers to better sell their new ideas to communicate concepts in a way that these will be better understood and generally be more aware of the impact of their communications.

Presenter's Biography

Celia Desmond is currently the President of WorldClass - Telecommunications. She was the Director and Secretary for IEEE in 2007 and IEEE Vice President, Technical Activities in 2006. She was the President of IEEE Communications Society during 2002-2003 and the President of IEEE Canada in 2001-2002. She has delivered invited talks and tutorials worldwide.

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