Electrical Power and Energy Conference
"Sustainable/ Renewable Energy Systems and Technologies"

October 22 - 23, 2009  Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Main Page EPEC 2009




Call For Papers

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Last year event  EPEC2008

 EPEC 2009:

The Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC 2009) is organized and sponsored by
IEEE Canada, IEEE Power & Energy Society, IEEE Montreal Section, and IEEE Ottawa Section.

  • Solar Power
  • Ethanol Power
  • Hydrogen Power
  • Biomass Power
  • Hydro Power Generation
  • Fuel Cells
  • Wave/Tidal Power
  • Novel Power Generation
  • Energy Storage
  • Energy Management
  • Wind Power
  • Energy Systems for Buildings
  • Urban Environment
  • Electric/Hybrid Electric Vehicles
  • Energy Conservation
  • Technology Trends
  • Network with Power Industry Leaders and Professionals
  • Learn about the Latest Technological Innovations
  • Learn how to reduce costs, improve efficiency and enhance reliability
  • Discover what the future holds for
    the Power Industry

Important Dates:

Deadline for submitting extended abstracts: July 20, 2009

Deadline for submitting extended abstracts for special sessions: July 27, 2009

Notification of paper acceptance: August 10, 2009

Submission for camera-ready paper (6 pages): September 7, 2009

 Who should attend?
CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, COOs, IT Managers, Network Managers, Telecom Managers, Energy Producers, Electric Power Executives, Utilities, Electric Generators, Government Regulators, Marketing, Sales, Purchasing & Risk Management, VCs, Universities, Consultants, Students, Engineers, and others with interest.

Date: October 22-23, 2009
Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
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Home Background Programme Call For Papers Author Instructions Sponsors & Supports Event Location Useful Links Last year event  EPEC2008
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 © Copyright  IEEE  2009

 Webmaster:  Kian Jalaleddini<s_jalale@ece.concordia.ca>