3rd Electrical Power and Energy Conference 2009
"Sustainable/ Renewable Energy Systems and Technologies"

October 22 - 23,  2009  Montreal, Quebec, Canada




Call For Papers

Author Instructions



Sponsors & Supporters

Event Location and Direction

Hotel/Travel Info.

Other Useful Links

Keynote Speaker

Panel Sessions

Last year event  EPEC2008



IEEE EPEC2009 Registration Fees
  IEEE Members
  Regular Student  Life Additional Cost for More Extra Attendee
  Members Members* Members Than Two Papers Pages ** Partners
Until Sep.12 $400 $200 $125 $200 $50 $100
After Sep.12 $500 $300 $150 $200 $50 $150
All fees are in Canadian dollars, and the HST is not included in the fees.
GST Registration Number is:        
* Student fees apply to full-time University/College students.  
**Extra page fee is per page/per paper over 6 pages. Maximum of 2 extra pages per paper is allowed.
IEEE EPEC2009 Registration Fees
  Non IEEE Members
  General Students* Retired Additional Cost for More Extra Attendee
  Public   Individuals Than Two Papers Pages ** Partners
Until Sep.12 $500 $200 $125 $200 $50 $100
After Sep.12 $600 $300 $150 $200 $50 $150
All fees are in Canadian dollars, and the HST is not included in the fees.
GST Registration Number is:        
* Student fees apply to full-time University/College students.  
**Extra page fee is per page/per paper over 6 pages. Maximum of 2 extra pages per paper is allowed.

On-line Registration

Home Background Programme Call For Papers Author Instructions Sponsors & Supporters Event Location Useful Links Last year event  EPEC2008
  Registration Committee Keynote speaker Panel Sessions Special Sessions Hotel/Travel Info.

 © Copyright  IEEE  2009

 Webmaster:  kian Jalaleddini <s_jalale@ece.concordia.ca>