Electrical Power and Energy Conference 2009
"Sustainable/ Renewable Energy Systems and Technologies"

October 22 - 23,  2009  Montreal, Quebec, Canada

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Last year event  EPEC2008

Special Sessions:     


Special Session on Photovoltaic (PV) Systems Integration Issues

The International Energy Agency reported that the Photovoltaic (PV) power cumulative installed capacity had reached 7.8 GW in 2007, with a growth of 40 % in comparison to the previous year. Most of the installations are for grid connected applications. There is an increasing awareness of the principles of sustainable community design, including solar cities initiatives to maximize the use of solar energy use in residences and buildings.  Additional constraints have been raised due to the rapid deployment of utility-scale PV projects that are now connected to the electricity distribution systems.  This session aims to encourage discussion and foster information exchange between the research community and industry to address technical barriers and offer solutions for PV power systems integration.  Key target areas of this Panel Session include:

  • Utility Scale PV Systems
  • Building Integrated PV
  • Distribution System Configuration of Urban and Suburban PV systems
  • Modeling and Simulation of PV Systems
  • Novel Inverter Control and Protection
  • PV Hybrid and Minigrid Systems
  • PV, Energy Storage and other Combined Energy Resources in Microgrid Systems
  • PV Standards and Codes
  • PV Market Trends and Demonstration Projects


      ......Dr. Lisa Dignard-Bailey

      ......Natural Resources Canada
      .... .1615, Lionel-Boulet, Varennes, QC J3X 1S6, Canada
      .....lFax: +1-450-652-5177

      The contact person for PV special session is Mr. Reinaldo Tonkoski.

    Important Dates:

    Deadline for submitting extended abstracts for special sessions: July 27, 2009

    Notification of paper acceptance: August 10, 2009

    Submission for camera-ready paper (6 pages): September 7, 2009

    Submission of extended abstracts for special sessions should be made the same way as the submission of regualr extended abstract through:

    EIDOS Paper Management System.

    For more information click on:

    Author Instructions....

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 Webmaster:  Kian Jalaleddini <s_jalale@ece.concordia.ca>