Electrical Power and Energy Conference 2009
"Sustainable/ Renewable Energy Systems and Technologies"

October 22 - 23,  2009  Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Main Page EPEC 2009




Call For Papers

Author Instructions



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Event Location and Direction

Hotel/Travel Info.

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Keynote Speaker

Panel Sessions

Last year event  EPEC2008

Call For Papers:     

Topics of interest to the conference include the following:
  • Solar Power
  • Ethanol Power
  • Hydrogen Power
  • Biomass Power
  • Hydro Power Generation
  • Fuel Cells
  • Wave & Tidal Power
  • Novel Power Generation
  • Energy Storage
  • Energy Management
  • Wind Power
  • Energy Systems for Buildings
  • Urban Environment
  • Electric/ Hybrid Electric Vehicles
  • Energy Conservation
  • Technology Trends

Note: The above topics are subject to further revision.


Deadline for submitting extended abstract: July 20, 2009
Deadline for submitting extended abstract for special sessions: July 27, 2009
Notice of paper acceptance: August 10, 2009
Submission of camera-ready paper (6 pages): September 7, 2009

Extended abstract minimum length should be 2500 words, minimum 3 pages in IEEE PES format: body text font size 10, single-spaced, double-column format, on 8.5×11 inch letter size paper.
Final paper length is 6 pages, maximum 8 and for every page over 6 there will be an extra page charge.
The submitted extended abstracts will go through a peer review process. The final version of accepted paper will be included in the EPEC2009 conference proceedings and published in IEEE Xplore database, provided the paper is fully registered and presented in person at the conference.

Conference program

The conference will include:

  • Plenary sessions with keynote addresses by leading academics, industry executives and government representatives.
  • Parallel sessions, workshops and exhibitions.
To download Call for Papers Announcement, please click for:
 CFP announcement-English or CFP announcement-French.
Author Information
Instructions for the following items, please click here:
*  Abstract Paper Submission           *  Full Paper Submission          Paper Publication
*  Paper Presentation Style               *  Guidelines
Home Background Programme Call For Papers Author Instructions Sponsors Supports Event Location Useful Links Last year event  EPEC2008
  Registration Committee Keynote Speaker Panel Sessions Special Sessions Hotel/Travel Info

 © Copyright  IEEE  2009

 Webmaster:  Kian Jalaleddini <s_jalale@ece.concordia.ca>