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ICORR'07 - 10th international conference on rehabilitation robotics

In the summer of 2007 the 10th edition of the International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR) will take place in the Netherlands. The conference venue will be Noordwijk aan Zee also known as 'the Beach of Amsterdam'. ICORR will highlight the most recent advances in rehabilitation robotics and their relevance to end users.

Submission section for new papers is closed

The conference will be focused on the following topics:
  • Assistive robotics
  • Therapy robotics
  • Orthoses and exoskeletons
  • User interfaces and (brain) control
  • Socially interactive robotics
  • Robotic environments and companions
  • Evaluation and user experience
  • Biorobotics and biomimetics

To celebrate the anniversary a special symposium will be added to the conference dedicated to formulating a roadmap on fundamental issues and future research directions.

The conference will be co-sponsored by IEEE RAS.

This ICORR 2007 website is under construction. Information will be added regularly. Please come back soon or leave your e-mail address here and we will inform you as soon as major changes have been implemented.
� 2006 ICORR2007. All rights reserved