User Involvement
The conference theme is Robots Care. This theme was chosen because the organisation strongly feels the need to focus attention on the day to day application of rehabilitation robotics by end users. Rehabilitation robotics can contribute to the everyday life of individuals with functional impairments.In the past two decennia a large number of rehabilitation robotics developments were initiated, but only a few led to commercially available systems. To increase the number of applications actually available to end users, we believe more focus should be put to involve this community in the design process. With 'community' we not only address people with functional limitations (end users), but also their care providers, therapists and social environment. Therefore, the involvement of all users in a conference such as ICORR is of eminent importance.
The ambition of the ICORR organisation is to facilitate such user involvement during the conference. We hope to achieve a fruitful exchange of views and information between developers and researchers and their future clients. For this purpose special forum sessions are organised. Also, companies as well as universities are encouraged to demonstrate their latest innovations.
We hope you agree and will accept this challenge by making your personal contribution to the theme of the conference.