Klik here to download the program at a glance.
For detailed information about the scheduling of you presentation, please click here.
More information:
Provisional Floorplan: conference room layout
Fast-Forward Slides Template: Submit by June 6
The following deadlines apply:
May 13, 2007: submission of Digest Slide (see instructions below), download Digest Slide Template and submit to
June 6, 2007: submission of Fast Forward Slides (see instructions below), download Fast Forward Slide Template and submit to
Please take careful notice of the following points:
- ICORR2007 will be slightly different from previous editions in the sense that there will be several presentation formats that are new to this conference. Instructions for these presentation formats are included below.
- The Interactive Presentations will form the beating heart of the conference. By far most presentations will be Interactive, rather than Podium Presentations. We feel that Interactive Presentations are an excellent way of creating a vibrant atmosphere. The intention is to have Podium Presentations with topics of general interest, while Interactive Presentations allow in-depth discussion of your work. All papers will be treated identically in the Proceedings and in IEEE Xplore, and it is not the case that the best rated papers were selected as podium presentations.
- Please take careful look at the provisional program (attached) and report any conflicts or other problems you may have. You will find that several papers appear more than once (up to three times) in the program (please use CTRL-F). All papers feature in the interactive sessions. In addition, some papers also feature in one of the special sessions or in a podium session.
ALL AUTHORS are required to submit a DIGEST SLIDE based on the template, see top of this page. This slide will be used in the program book that is handed out to all conference delegates. This slide must be submitted as .PPT and .PDF by MAY 13 to We apologize for the short notice but this is due to the print shop requirements. Small file sizes will be appreciated. Please include your paper ID number in the file name.
Below please find the presentation formats and the respective required actions:
Interactive Presentation (INT):
- ALL PAPERS feature in the Interactive Sessions, therefore this section applies to all of you, also if your paper is also scheduled as Podium Presentation.
- Your work will be exposed during 1.5 hours that are scheduled as Interactive Session. During this session you are requested to be available to present your work, address questions, and discuss your work with the audience. You will have the following facilities at your disposal:
- a table (1.5x0.6 meter)
- power outlet (230V, 60Hz)
- wireless internet
- a display wall (2.5 meter wide) behind the table.
- Please ensure good readability of your posters. There is room for three posters but the table increases the reading distance. In the example ( the selected text font (33pt) was too small. Select at least 40pt.
- The facilities will be reserved for you for half a day, so you can build up early and linger on after your session.
- The Interactive Presentations will take place in the bigger room (see provisional floor plan attached) at the locations numbered in red.
- To take full advantage of these facilities you are strongly encouraged to prepare and bring any materials that enhance knowledge transfer. In particular you could bring:
- a laptop to run powerpoint presentations, simulations, video’s or other motion pictures
- any hardware in the form of devices (or parts of them), or scale models
- flyers, books, hand-outs
- etc, etc.
- Remember that papers in interactive sessions are eligible for the Best Interactive Presentation Award, in addition to the Best Paper Award for which all papers compete.
- The Interactive Sessions will be horizontally programmed, i.e. all conference topics will be represented in all sessions, instead of sessions with specific topics, in order to allow presenters optimal access to work of others in the same topical field.
- All interactive presentation authors get the opportunity to announce their interactive presentation in a Fast-Forward Presentation, see next point.
Fast-Forward Presentation (FF):
- All Interactive Presentation authors get the opportunity to announce their interactive presentation in a Fast-Forward Presentation directly preceding their interactive session. A Fast-Forward Presentation is a one-minute (yes, 60 seconds) presentation on the podium, intended to announce and advertise your interactive presentation, which may well be done in a playful manner.
- You may use up to three (3) slides that must follow the template, see top of this page
- Your FF slides must be submitted by JUNE 6 to Small file sizes will be appreciated. Please include your paper ID number in the file name.
Podium Presentation (POD):
- There will be five Podium Presentations in each 1.5 hour podium session. Therefore 18 mins (14 mins presentation, 3 mins of discussion, 1 min transition) is available for each presentation. A strict time management will be enforced during the session. You will be notified when you have one minute (of 14) left.
- Please ensure good readability of your projection. The preferred procedure is to upload your presentation before the session on our AV system. In special cases you can use your own laptop computer. In that case have it switched on with your presentation running well before your presentation.
- The Podium Presentations take place in the smaller room (260 seats, see provisional floor plan attached). Computer, beamer, and microphone will be available. If you have other requests please let us know.
- All papers, including those selected for podium presentation, will also feature as Interactive Presentation. All authors, except those selected for Podium Presentation (who have been on stage already), get the opportunity to announce their Interactive Presentation in a Fast-Forward Presentation, see previous point.
Laboratory Presentation (LAB):
A few papers will be presented as Laboratory Presentation. These papers highlight the research lines in a particular laboratory, and are one of the sources of input for the Anniversary Symposium, to be held on Friday afternoon June 15, see also Laboratory Papers will be presented as brief Podium Presentation (5 mins presentation, 1 min transition), and as Interactive Presentation throughout the conference at the locations numbered in green.
Special Sessions (SS):
A significant number of authors who indicated one of the Special Sessions as possible session for their paper during initial submission will find their paper in a Special Session. Papers scheduled in a special session will be Podium Presentations, unless your Special Session Chair tells you otherwise. The Special Sessions will be held in 5 parallel tracks. The podium room (260 seats) will be divided in three sections, while also rooms RVB123 and VSG123 will be used (see provisional floor plan).
The program consists of different types of presentations, some of them new to this conference:- Plenary lectures: Invited presentations by key players in the field..
- Podium presentations: Presentations/talks with projection support. Presenters will be provided with microphone, beamer, and pointer.
- Interactive presentations: Presentations with hardware, software, laptop and poster support. Presenters will be provided with a table, display board, power outlet and internet access. An example can be viewed here. Participants will be given the opportunity to advocate their booth by one-minute podium presentations (fast-forward).
- Laboratory presentations : Podium and/or interactive presentation by research group leaders outlining present and future research lines and visions.
- Forum discussions: Plenary discussion with users, their physicians and expert scientists on their cases.
Podium, Interactive, and Laboratory Presentations are equivalent in that all three types require the submission of full papers that undergo the same peer review process, and are upon acceptance included in the Conference Proceedings as such with no reference to the type of presentation. Laboratory presentations will be allotted more time or space than normal podium or interactive presentations.
Participants are invited to submit full papers (between 4 and 12 pages in two-column article format) for peer review on the subjects of their interest by the draft paper submission deadline (Feb 4, 2007). It will be possible to express a preferred presentation type. Instructions for authors are available at the ICORR 2007 website. Read more >>
The conference will issue at least the following awards:- Best paper award (selected from all accepted papers in all presentation types)
- Best podium presentation award
- Best interactive presentation award
- Best laboratory presentation award
We are pleased to announce stimulating keynote addresses by three most reputable scientists: prof. Kazerooni, prof. Dautenhahn, and prof. van der Helm. Each of them will link the field of science of their specialization to rehabilitation robotics, so as to provide us with a fresh perspective and widened view.Read more on keynotes >>
Anniversary Symposium: Roadmap
A special symposium will be held immediately after the conference. It will be located in the conference hotel. The aim is formulating a roadmap on fundamental issues and future research directions for the rehabilitation robotics community. If you are interested in participating please contact the conference organisers at more >>
Special Sessions, Workshops, Tutorials
We invite you to organize special sessions, workshops or tutorials related to the conference themes. All the conference facilities will be available for this purpose in the two days immediately preceding the conference. Proposals for special sessions (e.g. theme, forum, tutorial) should be submitted to the conference organisation ( more on special sessions >>
Read more on workshops >>
Preliminary Program